Grrl Power #1289 – Holo-mouth
Presumably, if you have a really good translator with all the extra options, you can move your holo-mouth around, like how Garamm is offsetting his there in panel 7. And clearly that sets up all sorts of possibilities for sexual shenanigans. Also a lot of upsetting ones as well, like you’re getting it on doggy style and she moves her holo-mouth to the middle of her back to bark instructions at you. It wouldn’t change where the sound is coming from or provide any tactile functionality, it would really be more of a test of your focus, I think. I’d assume that the good translators would be able to do stuff like lipstick or whatever, but also change things about the mouth, like if you have a chipped tooth or something. But maybe they could also swap your mouth out for another species’ mouth? Like Garamm could have a pair of normal human lips? That would be off putting.
How much food would a 7’4″ muscular-but-not-quite-bodybuilder eat? Yeah, Frix has pretty huge arms, but he’s not “abusing HGH” big. Though in his case it’d be W(oof)GH. I googled how much he’d probably weigh, and there’s a 7’2″ bodybuilder who competes at around 330 lbs, so let’s say Frix is an even 350 so it’s easy for me to remember. Of course, alien metabolism makes it impossible to really guess his caloric requirements, but a half-rack of beef ribs and a double serving of mash and mac and cheese seems like a reasonable lunch.
Speaking of fanfic, you know what the most successful one of all time is? Dante’s Inferno. Nearly everything Christianity believes about hell comes from that. The bible basically says Hell, or Gehenna, is a place of fire and torment, and… that’s kind of it. There’s virtually no detail other than that. Every movie, comic, novel, poem and TV show about Lucifer and devil summoning and possession is derived from The Inferno. It’s basically canon, and it’s fanfic.
The new vote incentive is up!
Dabbler went somewhere tropical, in a very small bikini. As you might guess, it doesn’t stay on for long, which of course, you can see over at Patreon. Also she has an incident with “lotion,” and there’s a bonus comic page as well.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
Hope someone warned him about her breath after that spicy thing. He specifically would be sensitive to it close range like that. Literal kiss of death style.
> Speaking of fanfic, you know what the most successful one of all time is? Dante’s Inferno.
At some level, everything is fanfiction.
Yep, 99+ percent of Arthurian legend is fanfic, the oldest known source is just a few paragraphs long. Virtually everything we associate with it was introduced by known authors and their original characters. Overly Sarcastic productions did a great video on Arthurian legend covering its history in a way far more entertaining than I could just saying it.
And honestly a great deal of things in myth and lore might as well be fanfic if not for the fact people believed it, reconceptulizating other faiths and cultures ideas and characters and creatures into their own by declaring they must be this or that thing in their own beliefs but adding some local flare.
red the dabler vote incentive; is the first time we’ve seen her bare midrif? I feel I would have noticed two navels before.
Nope, she’s shown her buttons plenty of times, maybe you were focusing on something(s) else at the times?
I’m waiting for someone to invent the Natalie Portmanteau.
… You just did
Look Dave we all know the best way to use a holo mouth during sex is too just hum along in the wrong places.
“And don’t call me Shirley.”
Two uses for a holo-mouth (one sexual, one not, you decide which is which :P )
Put it on your arse so you can give a blowjob while getting anal
Cosplay as one of those Japanese women with a mouth on the back of their heads
Stealth boyfriend cuddles. Sydney is doing well
You know, that preview of the vote incentive reminds me of young Debbie Harry. Not at all a bad thing.
The *squeak toy noise* is the funniest thing you have put in the entire series, so far. And I have read through the entire run 3 or 4 times, now. That one panel makes me laugh a lot. Thank you.