Alari, have a superiority complex concerning basically every other race. Most sapient species are probably going to have some degree of that. It’s hard to say since humans living all alone on our spinning hunk of dirt don’t have any other races to poll against, but it’s not hard to imagine. In fact, I think it’d be weird if a race didn’t have some slightly irrational self-aggrandizement going on. Although, I can see certain scenarios where, for instance, goblins hate elves because the elves are so much better than them at everything. That depends on the setting, obviously. WoW gobbos are different than D&D gobbos are different than Tolkien goboos. So, I guess it’s better to say that most sapient species would probably have some degree of superiority complex over other races, deserved or not, and some races might have fairly significant inferiority complexes. It’s probably a more of an observer dependant hierarchical org chart…

But I digress. I mention it because Sciona has a superiority complex over most other Alari, and consequently thinks that much less of humans. But there is one thing she does like about humans. We invented air quotes. They’re just so… smarmy. Like, generally you can tell where the quotes would be when someone is being sarcastic, but air quotes are like providing someone with hard-coded subtitles because you don’t trust them to be smart enough to pick up what you’re laying down.

If Sciona was planning on exsanguinating this guy for a blood ritual, it’s a curious tactic to pick him up from a public place and right in front of his friends, especially considering she does have some identifiable characteristics, seeing as her hair hasn’t grown out long enough to cover her skull tattoo. It’s possible she’s just on the horn, as the cool (probably mostly British) kids say.

It’s weird, but it’s kind of difficult for me to imagine a supervillainess who isn’t sexually aggressive. Like, it’s hard to picture Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Hel, Volcana, Titania, Mystique, or Dark Phoenix sitting around whining that it’s so hard to meet nice guys, or seeing them out somewhere at a concert or bar and a guy comes up to them and gives them a cheesy pickup line and offers to buy them a drink, and they’re all, “Tee hee, you’re making me blush!”

I think that’s partially because there have been very few female supervillain lead comics. Sure, there’s Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy and a few others, but without a book that gives you more of a look at a character other than them just showing up to battle the Avengers or whoever, we never really get a glimpse into their personal lives, and you never see them on the dating scene.

Sure, Dark Phoenix is about as likely to set up a Tinder profile as is Galactus, but a comic about a middle upper class villainess like Volcana or Titania could be amusing, IMO. Of course, this assumes their villainy mostly revolves around knocking over the occasional bank, throwing down with the local super team, and keeping a low profile when off the clock. Someone like Mystique is probably too politically engaged to really do a comic about her going to the grocery store and making eyes at the cute guy in produce. But I never read the Mystique comic book run, so what do I know?

The new vote incentive is up!

It’s Escorpia/Sciona, fresh off her successful… extortion campaign? I’m not sure if extortion is the right word. Addicting someone to superpowered narcotics then withholding to compel directed behavior? Kind of a ransom/extortion/generally being a butt kind of thing. There’s probably a better word for that. Anyway, check out Sciona’s business casual getup at TWC, and Patreon has a bunch of… let’s call them increasingly casual variants.

Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.