The true measure of a martial artist is how quickly you adapt to getting kicked in the face because your opponent has bendy bones.

No doubt Math has blocked hundreds of swings at his face, and is very secure in knowing the only way he’s going to get hit when he does is if someone shatters their own bones to right-angle their shin at him. That said, he has definitely sparred with everyone on the team, including Mr. Amorphous, and he did scan that tablet with a bunch of pertinent anatomy information on it about his alien opponents, so he probably knew this was a possibility. It’s still got to be at least a little surprising when it happens though.

Seriously, being able to plan ahead while getting whaled on is a skill that’s probably fairly unpleasant to train. And yes, I looked it up, it’s “whaled” not “wailed.” “Wailed” means to cry, and “wale” means to mark with welts, so “Waling” on someone would probably make sense, but apparently “whale” mean to hit repeatedly. Maybe you could say “he waled on him with a belt” and that would be grammatically correct, but I’m sure it would confuse editors and most readers wouldn’t notice or care.

The new vote incentive is up!

It’s Escorpia/Sciona, fresh off her successful… extortion campaign? I’m not sure if extortion is the right word. Addicting someone to superpowered narcotics then withholding to compel directed behavior? Kind of a ransom/extortion/generally being a butt kind of thing. There’s probably a better word for that. Anyway, check out Sciona’s business casual getup at TWC, and Patreon has a bunch of… let’s call them increasingly casual variants.

Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.