In reality, I don’t actually know how much of a speed advantage the smaller guy has in a fight. Overall mass is probably more of a factor. A chonky 5′ fighter vs a 6′ 4″ lanky dude? I suppose fighting style is a factor as well.

The thing is, given the square cube law, there’s probably more of a difference between a 5′ 10″ lean muscled guy and a bunch of beefcakes topping 7′ than there is between a 5′ and 6′ fighter, so speed could actually become a significant factor at some point.

Drawing this page taught me a few things, 1) Drawing a shitload of speedlines isn’t necessarily faster than drawing proper backgrounds. 2) That for as long as I’ve been doing this comic, I’m still not very good at drawing action scenes. There’s a lot more of an art to speed lines than I really appreciate until I start trying to lay them in. I think the ones on this page are too… thick? Dense? 3) Flipping through One-Punch Man for action scene references will make anyone feel inadequate about their ability to draw action scenes. The fact that there are dedicated background artists and there’s probably a guy just for speed lines and I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a guy whose job is just drawing rubble doesn’t change the fact that I want my action scenes to look better. I recognize there’s another huge difference between my comic and something like OPM, in that shonen type manga tend to put out roughly two pages a day. At that rate, they can spend 8 pages on one guy sword slashing another dude to bits, where if I tried that the scene would take a month. That doesn’t mean I can’t still do a cool action set piece, but in practical terms it probably means my action scenes will be a little more terse.

That said, I’m going to try and improve my action skills over the next few pages, though I am limited by the fact that no one is going to chop a city block in half during this fight, or shatter the entire base, or do anything that would register above an 8.5 on the Richter Scale.

Oh, and I think this will be explained a few pages in, but they decided to go full contact because between the med-bay on Cora’s ship and Doc Chevy, anything short of a torn brain or a missing eyeball can be fixed up in fairly short order.

The new one is almost ready! Just have to finish up some clothes so… soon?

The new vote incentive is up!

Oh no! Superheroines in a deathtrap! Well… a tickle trap. Okay, not trapped, trapped, but… look, three of the girls are getting tickled. Actually, in a way, seven girls are getting tickled since the other four Harems will feel this as well, but technically it’s only the three shown in the picture since Harem insists there’s only one of her – it’s just confusing since she can be in 5 places at once.

As you can probably imagine, Patreon shows what happens if they laugh, and also has a comic revealing who is behind this nefarious situation.

Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.