Grrl Power #1275 – White lines
If Sciona could figure out a way to package her toe sparkles and sell them in dime bags, she’d be rich. Also, I assume there’s some gap between a new drug hitting the street and it being declared illegal, especially if it’s not standard fare. It’s probably not a standard narcotic, and I assume the law has to define what the drug is before they can actually write laws about it. I don’t think they need to know the exact chemical formula, but I imagine they have to supply a reasonable definition for the thing they’re making a law about. I guess if some new drug called “toe glitter” hits the street, they could just make a law saying “toe glitter” is illegal, but then all strippers and children who attend a 6 year old girl’s birthday party could be in trouble. And if a drug called “google” comes out, lawmakers are going to have to be fairly specific when outlawing “google.”
The new vote incentive is up!
Oh no! Superheroines in a deathtrap! Well… a tickle trap. Okay, not trapped, trapped, but… look, three of the girls are getting tickled. Actually, in a way, seven girls are getting tickled since the other four Harems will feel this as well, but technically it’s only the three shown in the picture since Harem insists there’s only one of her – it’s just confusing since she can be in 5 places at once.
As you can probably imagine, Patreon shows what happens if they laugh, and also has a comic revealing who is behind this nefarious situation.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
Seems like your run-of-the-mill day in DC still.
Re-sub-licans or Domme-ocrats, take your pick.
I want to be so mad at you. I really do.
But that was clever.
Well you know what they say about monkeys with typewriters.
They’re the apex of humor?
Okay I’m back to being mad at you.
Ninja hit squad incoming.
Please don’t go bananas again.
To be fair, that pun was apesolutely ape-alling. You should ape-ologize to Pander.
You think that would ape-ease her?
are you saying this thread has no a-peel for you?
I think you’ve slipped off into an orangutangent
Oh, NUNJAS! Specifically, The Holy Order or the Slapping Hand.
Summoning them is a Habit.
I have taken to reading the comments more frequently, just to see what comes out of your twisted mind, Ro Jaws.
So when they come to take me away to the funny farm, i’ll blame my incessant grinning on you.
Thank you for that. :)
Thank you. Please make some puns yourself. The more punsters the merrier.
Nah, i’d be to worried about getting trampled into the ground by one of Pander’s ninja hit squads.
Also, as i don’t have Sydney’s instincts of always expecting ninjas i would be an easy target.
One wise person amongst the crowd.
Nah, my n-th punjars will roll you for every pun you ever said they might be slow rolling, but they’ll get ever dime owed. lol
I… some of what you said were words, right?
I’m glad I’m not the only one who didn’t understand for once.
I’m with P.J. O’Rouke myself. “Don’t vote, it just encourages the bastards.”
naw vote third party my choice would be green peace just to see the shocked look on some dudes face out in the Congo who never expected to be elected. it would do two things one: tell the “THEM” that we are sick of their sh*t and, Two force the current powers to see that we know they are full of sh*t. Sadly it would still end up being one of the two party’s elected because of the electoral collage but if the popular vote was niter of them think of the blow back on the media.
then again what the hell do I know…
Reminds me of Brewster’s Millions and how the titular character formed his presidential campaign.
No Experience Needed, No Boss Over il Your FD Shoulder… Say Goodbye To Your Old Job! Limited Number Of Spots
Feet Pics = The New Meth
Really getting in at ground level.
this way, we have the high ground.
In the Netherlands shortly after they banned *Magic Mushrooms,* the same suppliers started selling *Magic Truffles.*
AFAIK its literally the same thing, just grown and shaped differently.
Or whatever is banned could be just the first of a whole family of substances that should be made illegal.
That’s what happened with Synthetic Cannabis (more commonly known as Zombie Drugs for its effects on the user).
The truffles are a subterranean part of the mushrooms kinda like potatoes are of the potato plant.
Not banning this was a conscious choice by the government because “they’re less concentrated” (they’re not necessarily). Extracting the psilocybin is illegal regardless of source.
This really was just a whole lot of pretending to do anything. Unlike the whole designer drug wild goose chase.
“…all strippers and children who attend a 6 year old girl’s birthday party could be in trouble”
I’d think any stripper who attends a 6 year old girl’s birthday party would have some explaining to do. Unless she’s the parent of an invited 6-year-old, I guess. Otherwise, the party-entertainer agency would certainly be in trouble.
always a good idea to have some form of entertainment for parents who want to stick around when hosting a kids birthday party
Or they might be doing the catering.
Strippers do normally have other skills.
If you heard a doctor was at a 6 Yr old bday party, would you assume someone was sick?
Google should be outlawed
Tried to figure out what you might mean, but… search me…
I’d prefer Google to Bing, anyday
Bing floods you with adds, and then no matter where else you go, your shown adds that Bing had on it.
Have never had ads from Bing, but get betterer search results from Chandler than Google
Phoebe will make your search much more fun, tho.
DuckDuckGo is the way to go
That’s just Bing again
Ask Jeeves what happened to DuckDuckGo
I really want to make some horrible form of narcotic just so I can name it Facebook.
You would need to outlaw online advertising … and without it, half of internet would disappear. Despite everything said about them, Google is still on the less evil side of online advertising. The worst companies in that market are the ones which change name regularly to escape their bad reputation.
Download NoScript and check it on every website you go to and see what companies are there gathering your data. Here on GrrlPower we have the following Java scripts stealing informoation.
Even government sites have google there in multiple ways tracking your data. The nice thing about NoScript is you tell it to block specific Java operations, and they die on every site you visit.
Looks like Escorpia’s sister doesn’t like what her sister is doing: soiling her feet on degenerate politicians
Guess there is somewhere even lower than drug-dealing for some people
Why do you people insist on calling the politician’s secretary/PA (?), Escorpia’s sister? To my knowledge, the story so far never hinted she had one. When Sciona was reincarnated in Escorpia’s body, we only saw her two male cartel killers (who were promply turned into two other Alari hosts), and the saleswoman of the shop she raided. The latter went to an uncertain fate after being accidentally drugged but in all likelihood she was not Escorpia’s sister by the way they talked and seemed a different person from the other woman here.
If she’s not the sister, why would she care what happens to the ‘Tick?
They do have to ban specific chemicals, at least in the modern U.S. for synthetic drugs. They can also ban sources of natural drugs, though, so I guess they could ban Escorpia’s sparkles based on that.
I’m sure the last couple pages have made a subset of the readership very happy, and the internet has changed my brain chemistry pretty heavily for me to not be able to formulate many other thoughts.
Well, I am formulating other thoughts now. One: she’s unbeatable at CQC (except against Maxima’s glass skin I guess). Two: if superpowers are, just like the superion field, bespoke, AKA intelligent design-y, why would someone create the “take you to space” drug power to give a nobody? Are they playing 32D chess? Are they playing 57D Go and they somehow got a ko with whomever encrypted the human genome despite every stone having 114 liberties?
1: So far, it looks like Maxima (and Halo, with the field raised) shall be the only ones who can safely approach Sciorpia in CQC. Other possble exceptions concern Dabbler (chances are succubi bodies deal with this stuff in a different way) and maybe Achilles (it depends if this would register to his invulnerability as a threat). Anyone else is advised to keep her beyond literal arm’s length. Who knows if humanoid aliens and supernaturals would be affected.
2: Chances are the genetic link of humans to the Superion field works much like the X-gene in the Marvel Universe. When it turns on, it unlocks the potential for all kinds of supernatural effects, but choice of the specific effect is basically left to chance, perhaps with a degree of unconscious choice. Nonetheless, with mastery of the underlying genetic and metaphysical facts, it should be possible to activate specific effects or at least effect types, esp. with biological samples from bearers of similar effects. Sciona was able to do it by blood magic means, so it seems likely the likes of Deus would be able to do it by genegineering means.
Re #2 – Varia’s ability to secrete mustard …
I still think the super-mustard should be able to make any non-living item taste (and act) just like a soft pretzel
I think it’s pretty clear that Achilles is as immune to psychological as physical damage, you can bury him under megatons of rock without any idea if he’s going to be dug up in the next century, and PTSD? He doesn’t even worry!
OTOH, he’s not immune to bad mouth feel, apparently. I wonder if he has any trouble with unripe persimmons?
Lock him in a cell with a ten year supply of Vienna Sausages and see what happens!
Is he immune/invulerable to starvation / dehydration?
I mean, does his “invulnerability” also include 100% full life support in any environment?
So many questions.
Also, The inversion of the line from “White Lines” as the subtext under the strip is great.
“Get higher baby! Get higher, baby! Get higher, baby! And don’t ever come down!”
Dabbler’s 150% (IIRC) resistance to debuffs would probably cancel out the effect, if it works on succubi to begin with. Provided he knows about it beforehand, Math could probably wipe the floor with her unless they were both naked and there wasn’t anything nearby he could pick up to use as a barrier (she might be able to score a touch on – and thus dose – him if only she is naked, due to him being distracted). I suspect Harem wouldn’t have too much difficulty with her, again provided she knows about her power (or if the effects don’t extend to her other bodies, in which case she will learn about the powers from one body getting dosed and then adjust). With Varia, it would depend on what power she gained from the contact, but I suspect she’d still get dosed. For Vehemence (who isn’t part of Archon but I think deserves a mention), I suspect he could resist or counter it by burning some vehemic energy, provided he has a chance to build some up beforehand. I suspect the lycanthropes would be able to block it with thick enough fur. So there are some characters who could fight her in CQC without needing protective suits (note Cora’s hard light projector would fill that role for her), but certainly it would make her a force to be reckoned with.
As for the comment about her getting rich if she could sell her “glitter,” I’ll note a similar character from Worm, Newter (who I mentioned on a previous page), actually did run a small side business of selling doses of his power, but as his sweat/saliva/etc didn’t stay potent for long, he would basically just dip his finger or tongue in some water and then have the client drink it right away before it lost potency.
Harem doesn’t work that way, all the Harems are one body. They have multiple arms and legs you can break separately, but they only have one nervous system to feel all that pain, or to dose with drug generating powers. If they were somewhat prepared for it to happen, they might be able to shelve the particular Harem flooding the neurons with psychedelics, before the rest of them go catatonic, but if Escorpia’s powers make them sufficiently fucked up in an instant, they’re all down.
Given her prior orgasms, it’s likely that Escorpiona’s power would work fine on Harem. She could dematerialize the affected body, but she’d likely still have cravings at some point.
No she has 5 nervous systems, not one. She has one MIND from the key parts of her 5 brains that are quantum entangled.
(Panel 3)
Often, when Varia gains power from touching somebody, she is immune to the effect of the original power during the time of contact. When Varia grabs Sciona/Scorpion, I can see that she becomes immune to intoxicants, like whatever is in Scorpion’s sweat.
She and the subject both become immune to the power she gains, but that doesn’t necessarily mean gaining immunity to any powers the subject has. In cases where her gained ability is a variation on the ability the original owner has, or if it’s an effective counterpower (IIRC she gains ice powers from contact with Heatwave), certainly she’ll gain immunity to the original power, but I’m not certain that’s always the case. There’s also the question of if he would count as being in contact with Escorpia or Sciona, or a mixture of the two, when touching Sciorpia. I feel there are too many variables in play to make a call one way or the other.
As for Harem, it would depend on if Escorpia’s power is physically addictive (only one body directly affected, although the cravings of that one may influence the others) or mentally addictive (Harem herself becomes addicted), as well as how well Harem can block out the sensations (considering it appears to induce euphoria, she’d probably struggle with doing so). Of course, Escorpia’s power isn’t necessarily immediately addictive but may rather require a number of exposures to develop the addiction (particularly likely if it’s a mental addiction rather than a physical one, I believe), in which case she can’t rely on getting someone addicted in a combat situation.
Well, not unbeatable at CC. A full body suit, non-absorbent skin, or any other tool that prevents skin to skin contact would help.
Regarding the plans of the power-engineers, it could well be what it turned out to be in another superhero story I won’t name (because it’s a MASSIVE spoiler): testing power interactions and applications, engineering conflict to make the test subjects be creative in using the powers, with a goal of averting the heat-death of the multiverse (that being basically the only thing which can threaten the power-granters). In this round of testing the “create chemical compounds in small amounts” power was given to a random gangster to see what she could do with it: maybe next time the gangster gets Maxima’s suite, and the supersoldier on that world will be a chemical toolbox. Hmm, that could be an interesting character actually.
It seems the secretary (?) didn’t read all the way through her orientation package when she signed up with Team Evil.
She might not have signed up. I’m getting a distinct feeling that this WAS a legitimate office before Sciona took over.
It probably was. The best place to hide villainy is in the middle of legitimacy.
Or in the case of Congress, degeneracy.
She has the look of someone who hitched their car to a train that just got derailed. It’s not just in politics, if you can join up with an up and coming individual it can be a good career path. But if they crash you are riding along with them. The assistant can see that the bridge is out and there is nowhere to jump.
Except into the arms of a bright red gentleman with an easy smile, horns and a pitchfork, in this case.
That, or Sciona exposes her to the supercrack her new mutant body’s producing and makes her an addict as well.
I think it’s more generally the look of someone who’s horrified at what’s happening but knows she can do nothing to stop it, and trying would likely just land her in the same situation. I suspect that she was the politician’s assistant and has had to watch as the politician became a puppet, rather than being an ally of Sciona… but if she rebels, she knows the most likely result is that she’ll end up the same way.
I am deeply curious whether Escorpia’s psychoactive-body-secretions power is limited to euphoria-inducing sweat (?) in any case, or if she is able to switch the effect to emulate the ones of other substances. My dirty mind also wonders if she is able to extend the effect to other body fluids.
Escorpía might have been able to — her nickname suggests she could be venomous — but Sciona took over her body after it had been shot in the chest several times and died. There might have been some damage to the glands that make the hypercrack and/or Sciona might not have figured out how to produce anything but hypercrack because her body’s powers are alien to her.
Lasting damage to the glands from being shooted in the chest seems unlikely for various reasons. Indeed Escorpia’s super nickname suggest she was able to use this power in a more versatile way; perhaps she was able to secrete venom too and act as a cartel hitwoman. Chances are Sciona discovered the supercrack effect by chance and she keeps using it here because it’s the most convenient one to bring and keep politicians under her thumb.
This does not rule out that she was able to train herself to use different kinds of substances offscreen. I guess we might find out if and when she finds herself locked into combat. Or we might not since the supercrack already looks like a rather effective weapon to begin with. In any case, the combo of Escorpia’s powers and Sciona’s blood magic makes her an even more dangerous enemy for Archon & the Twilight Council, even if she (probably) cannot channel the Alari powers of her original body in her current one.
I meant there might be lasting damage because the body actually died and got a patchjob with Alari magic before it got up again, but I agree with all the rest.
I am sceptical about the lasting damage for several reasons: the interval between Escorpia’s death, Sciona’s takeover, and her repair of the damage was very short so lasting body damage seems unlikely; for all we know, the drug synthesis power may well be placed away from her upper chest where the bullets hit (e.g. in the abdomen, in the mammals, distributed across the sweat glands); Sciona’s blood magic has been shown as powerful and sophisticated enough to bestow budding sapience and emulate several superpowers with blood samples from bearers of those powers, albeit imperfectly; the fact the patchjob came with the side effect of Alari-like skin coloration seems insufficient circumstantial evidence to me of lasting and serious damage. Admittedly I am uncertain why currently Sciorpia shows no trace of those skin patches. It might be makeup, or perhaps more likely she was able to remove them when she got more time and mana juice. She stated she was running low on power when she re-embodied herself and those other two Alari in Escorpia and her killers.
I have a technical observation..
She is using her right foot in panels 1 and 2, but her left in panels 3-5. Previously she had only taken one shoe off, and in panel 2 she still has the nylons on her left leg.
In other news, what is that ..script on her toe?
IIUC, Dave made a mistake here. He switched the foot she used from right to left between panels 2 and 3, since otherwise the glitterdust effect would be unnoticeable to the reader from their perspective. It would be justifiable if Sciorpia has taken off the shoe and pantyhose on her left leg offscreen between those panels. However, in the final panel she is shown with the nylons on her left leg still on, which is unplausible.
If you pay attention, this happens surprisingly often in this comic. Left/right hands or feet switch, or there is a body shift between panels that would require super-human speed (from people who don’t have that power) if using the same hands/feet. I try to ignore it to maintain immersion, but not always.
I think its actually supposed to have swapped ‘camera sides’ rather than feet error.
Image was flipped so it’s easier to see what’s happening, I think. She kicks him away, so he falls on his left side, if you followed the action like that, all we’d see is the back of his head, the image is flipped from his pov shot, so that her leg still comes from the correct direction.
Flipping an image is possible, but you can’t flip reality. A right foot is a right foot. It can’t look like a left foot if you look at it from the other side, unless you’re looking at it through a mirror.
Earlier we’re looking at the lateral (outward) side of what’s clearly her right leg. The other leg still has a shoe/stocking. When we see the supercrack applied, we’re looking at the medial (inward) side of what is clearly the left foot.
It is possible she removed her other shoe & stocking between the panels. But going to that much effort would be out of character based on her comments and actions so far.
I’m pretty sure Krona could flip reality.
I’m pretty sure laws do explicitly define things by their chemical formula, and that that’s how the FDA also grants patents or licenses for new medicines, etc. And also at the same time there are pretty strict laws about selling pharmaceuticals (and also “pharmaceuticals”).
But there’s human judgement in it, too; we’re not run by machine-logic overlords (yet). Cops aren’t going to arrest a birthday party happening at an arts-and-crafts store, and a judge knows that just doctoring your illegal substance with something like food dye doesn’t change the best formula, so it’s STILL illegal.
All that being said, the last 2 pages have felt kinda creepy for me to read, and I’m eagerly hoping we get away from this scene soon, and back to the wacky hijinks.
I am not into feet or D/s, so this scene registers to me as vanilla supervillain(ess) playing typical dominance games with civilians, a staple of the genre. The equivalent of Zod or Loki forcing people to kneel, even if unlike those examples Sciorpia seems to draw no personal pleasure (even of the non-sexual sort) from doing it. She seems to do it for the sake of the Master Plan alone.
If you care, mind-control is a… I don’t want to say “pet peeve” because that sounds too casual, but it’s a SOMETHING of mine that ranks usually high on the evil-meter (measured in kilo-hitlers, of course). So any scene involving it is going to spike my notice, but that’s not entirely the point- it’s also in how the scene is presented.
I draw a distinction between fanservice and even comedy-T&A (which a lot of manga is), and softcore porn, and I feel like this page and last one are, if not crossing that line, at least french-kissing it (we’re WAY beyond flirting). And yes I’m aware that the artist draws actual porn for his patreon subscribers, or which I am one. But that’s not why I support the comic.
So the most recent 2 pages have felt, as I said, uncomfortable in a weirdly gratuitous way. It’s like if a bad-guy was proving his evil cred by executing a whole bunch of people in cold blood, but all those people just happened to be scantily-clad supermodels. It’s clearly pandering to SOMEONE, who is just not me.
But I’m not here to judge- I’m just expressing my discontent with this mini-arc/update. Nor do I expect the artist to entirely change his comic just for me; that would be extremely entitled. It provoked my notice enough, however to want to comment on it. Sorta-kinda the same way someone might make a comment like “heck yeah this is totally my jame, more of this please” (whatever THIS might be). For which I would expect most people to be equally uncaring.
YMMV. As it concerns my own sensibilities, this scene broadly registers as non-sexual (even if I acknowledge it might be different for other people) since feet and BDSM are far from belonging in my kinks. It would be quite different if say Sciorpia had used another body part she is proud of to administer the drug and she had showed she enjoyed the act. As such, the scene registers to me as the equivalent of a typical supervillain playing typical dominance games with civilians, puny humans, and/or humbled politicians. I do not mind that kind of stuff because it is a staple of the superhero genre and it titillates my sympathies for super supremacism in a guilty pleasure way.
As far as I am concerned, sex, violence, superpowers, and comedy are four great tastes that taste great together so broadly speaking, a media that combines porn, OP action-adventure, superhuman abilities, and/or comedy to varying degrees and in the right ways is right up my alley. Send lots of it my way, please. Hopefully with the right kinks for my preferences. The ones channeled in this scene leave me cold and indifferent as it concerns the sexual part of the mix. I am still able to appreciate it in a ‘platonic’ way because it appeals to a different part of my tastes, the one that cheers when the right kind of superpowered antihero or villain humbles politicians, takes over, and shows puny humans who’s boss. I was able to enjoy the previous scene where Sciona’s golem ‘son’ put the Triad bosses in their place for similar reasons.
Of course, everything within reasonable amounts. As far as I am concerned, this scene has almost exhausted its narrative usefulness. There might be still be room for another update or so where Sciona indulges her taste for supervillain monologues (the secretary’s question seems an obvious cue for that) and hopefully gives us some extra tidbits about the current version of her Master Plan. Then we can certainly transition to a wholly different scene.
I have a sneaking suspicion there may be some form of catchall legislation that allows distribution of substances with highly addictive and/or debilitating properties to be punished right away. Especially if it’s being used as a tool of control over a political official.
Read about Owsley
They MAY have passed something like that since then, but it would probably get shot down in court.
AKA The Creator’s Poorly Disguised Fetish. I mean, I knew Dave likes to draw fanservice but this is just softcore porn.
“Why are you doing this?” Fun? Because I can? Why wouldn’t I? Who will stop me? Eventual World Domination.
‘Fun’ does not seem appropriate since Sciorpia looks annoyed by the experience and doing it from the sake of the Master Plan alone. Answers #2, #3, and #5 would be perfectly in-character for her, a supervillain, and/or an Alari warlord. Answer #4 would be tempting fate.
Uh… So… Yeah. Wasn’t expecting foot fetish fuel in my Grrl Power comic… Not my kink, but more power to ya.
Just so you know, part of the secert service protection of politicians is secert drug testing. Is this stuff going to show up in hair samples and poop? Or their sweat?
The Secret Service doesn’t do Congress, and only the leadership get any kind of full-time security detail. Don’t know about drug tests, but I imagine whatever this is wouldn’t show up on a standard screen. Maxima did say there’s some kind of mind-control protocols in place, but there’s also 535 members of Congress, so I imagine they can’t monitor them all. They probably have to restrict themselves to the ones on national security-type committees with access to secret info. Which could explain the secretary’s apparently stupid question of why you would drug a politician to get legislation you want passed. This guy is a comparative nobody and the bill they’re talking about is, at least on the surface, no big deal. (I mean, I know the reason she asked is so we, the readers, can find out what the plan is.)
This isn’t anything that human science could detect. From what I can tell it’s triggering the same response that intense sexual release through contact, not anything different that hiring a professional “worker” would do, just with far less effort on both parties. If your partner could do that to you from just drawing a finger across your face, would you object? Sciona is just doing what some women have done in business and such forever, just with as little effort as possible for her and without the risk of pregnancies.
Pretty sure that’s not script, it’s just the visual effect of her power.
Jeesh woman, give it a rest! Sciona doesn’t need to use her feet, she gets her jollies from acting like a domme. I don’t know what the cause of this new ability, if it’s an off-shoot of her transfer or a recessive ability of Scriorpia that Sciona’s possession activated, but I doubt it’s very healthy in the long run, not that she cares. Clearly, it’s very addicting, so I doubt anyone exposed will recover without huge health risks, like morphine.
Back when we first met Escorpia (for the entire 2.5 panels she was alive) the guy punching her had a thick glove on the punching hand. So yeah, this was an Escorpia power and Sciona just got incredibly lucky to get a “Super” host.
As for the torture, most likely they somehow knocked Escorpia out and tied her up before she could dose them. Then put on the glove and start forcefully asking questions.
From the moment the ability first showed up in the comic, I assumed it was the “sting” she named herself Escorpia (Scorpion) for, so I agree this was Escorpia’s superpower from the beginning.
To answer the intern, The answer is obviously “Because it’s fun!”
Funny real story: Australia. Back in the late 1980’s there was a new, expensive, perfume called ‘Opium’. The Queensland state government had in the past legislated to ban any product called ‘Opium’ in Queensland under the state drug laws. So regular retailers could not sell it. The local Police were then made aware that all the ‘Duty Free’ (think airport shops) were selling it. Mass raid on all the Duty Free shops, all the perfume impounded. Phone calls are made. The Federal Police (half baked FBI) then raid the Queensland Police evidence repository in turn.
Because in Australia all goods in a Duty Free store are considered in ‘bond’ to the Federal government – they basically belong to the Federal government until the Duty Free shop sells them and they leave the country. And the Duty Free shop is considered a Federal ‘Bond Store’. ‘Opium’ perfume is not prohibited under Federal law. Lots of red faces and paper waving. Queensland government quickly modify their drug act.
Another bit of trivia. In New South Wales (NSW) it is an offence to sell ‘fake’ drugs pretending they are real, the penalty is the same as selling the real thing. Police were spending too much time busting ‘dealers’ who were selling lawn clippings, dyed head ache tables and such to undercover Police (as well as the public) and then finding it was fake after a bunch of expensive lab tests.
Yeah, there’s that old chestnut in the US about the 5 year old kid who got expelled from school for life under the “Zero Tolerance Drug Policy” because he was giving away Red M&Ms claiming they made you run faster.
Which made them a performance enhancing drug.
I’ve never heard of that and I’ve lived in the USA my whole life, if it’s true then someone had an axe to grind on the kid’s parents. We all used to pretend that the red ones were special, even I would pick them out and save them for last. But for anyone to believe that it’s a performance drug is beyond stupid. A simple drug test would have given that ruling a kick to the curb, the people that started it fired, or at least sued into the poor house forever. I will admit that does sound like something a “Karen” would pull.
A “Karen” (for those who don’t know) is someone that thinks they have power over everyone, deciding when someone is breaking the law or causing a problem, rants and raves until someone does what she wants. A good example is a YouTube video I seen just last night, a man was getting out of his car and a woman out of the blue demands he move his car from the spot he parked in. She insisted it was a “No Parking” spot, failing to notice the times that it was in effect. When the man calmly told her what the sign said, she ignored him and kept screaming at him, when he didn’t comply she calls the cops. When a cop arrived, he told her the same thing and started to get back in the car to leave. She then yelled at the cop and clung on his hood refusing to move until he arrested the man. The cop got out, said ok, ok, I’ll make an arrest. She got off, feeling satisfied with herself, up until he grabbed her wrist, and put handcuffs on her, reading her rights to her all the while the other man was laughing at her. The cop waved goodby and wished the man a good day.
Sadly this rarely happens, more often as not “Karens” get their way just so they will shut the hell up and go away. You see them everywhere, BMV, County Clerks’ office, Any HOA, you name it.
Well, the stories about discriminating children with diabetes are true, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this also happened. Maybe the parents decided that they wouldn’t want to keep their kid in school like this anyway.
Yeah don’t remind me, I was forced in the “special Ed” class because I was “special needs” when in fact I just needed glasses, I was badly near-sighted. I grew up in a very bad area, I lived outside of Gary, In. Drugs were as common as chili farts, and no one cared. It kills me when I see stories like that, where were these people when it mattered? Getting high and complaining about cops I’m sure…
You’re thinking about the Analogues Act.
“The Federal Analogue Act, 21 U.S.C. § 813, is a section of the United States Controlled Substances Act passed in 1986 which allows any chemical “substantially similar” to a controlled substance listed in Schedule I or II to be treated as if it were listed in Schedule I, but only if intended for human consumption.”
It’s why people can’t just sell endless copies of modified LSD with something slightly different added to the end of one of the molecular chains.
That’s true, that came out because of the “designer drugs” that were hitting the streets. Saved a lot of money saving a huge amount effort to identify every variation that came out.
There would be no need to outlaw a drug called google, just let Google sue drug dealers into oblivion for trademark infringement.
Nah, they would just insist on a cut. :P
Don’t Be Evil.
Oh wait they abandonned that trademark. Never mind… Carry on. :)
Actually, they would totally do that because letting something like this go would endanger the trademark status.
I don’t think it’s trademarked by Google actually. Or by anyone from what I checked on TEAS.
According to the USPTO. Don’t Be Evil was abandoned years ago and it’s status as a trademark is ‘dead.’
It’s not even used as a motto anymore, let alone trademarked.
don’t kink shame, she likes to be the S in S&M
This seems like a rather unnecessary way to get a subordinate to…toe the line. ;P
I guess she felt she needed to put her foot down?
Both of you get back into the ‘torture Pander with bad foot puns’ thread where you belong.
Oh wait I’m confusing today’s torture session with last comics’ torture session.
Today are monkey puns apparently.
Pander going Apeshi-on the punsters again…
This thread is clearly for bad foot puns. Bad monkey puns are in the other thread. Move along you.
*sends a ninja hit squad your way*
the monkeys think the foot puns stink, and there’s not many steps betwixt, the carbpun footprint of each one is the size of a typewriter ribbon, but no matter what happuns, we’ll not be de-feeted by either macaque or gibbon.
I…. what… huh?
I think we’ve gone beyond bad puns now and you have gone quite mad.
We’re all mad here.
*flings poop and flees on foot*
Just a possibility that crossed my mind: Scorpia’s power might not be chemically-based but psionic or even magical in nature. That would fool all possible drug tests and bring new twists into whole thing…
Quite possibly, but all but surely it is a super ability powered by the Superion field in any case. I.e. Escorpia all but surely was a super, not a mage or humanlike supernatural.
Deviant Art PTSD LoL.
As a habit when someone faves one of my stories I’ll quickly check out that person’s fave section…and even when the story has no similarities that I am aware of those fave pages will often have it surrounded by feet, vore, diaper fetish, and women in trash bags (which just feels super disturbing)…. its like…*dude you just faved a story about a fantasy world adventurer becoming romantically involved with a bee girl and there are like fifty pics and stories related to feet around it…
but to each their own. Won’t say a foot rubbing your back doesn’t feel good, just not a fan myself of staring at them.
Um, you guys do realize that’s a drug manipulation case waiting to happen? The look in his eyes as the secretion enters his system from the touch of the toe to his body, yeah, he’s being drugged.
I really want to invent some horrific sort of drug just so I can name it Facebook.