Grrl Power #1220 – I’ll tickle your sole!
If you look back at the previous page, Parfait cast her lavender spell which got turned back on her, but you can also see the red spell coming out of the back of her sigil and dropping out of the panel. Casting two spells simultaneously is literally twice as complicated as casting a single spell, at least for amateurs. Once you’re a little more proficient, you can use common elements of each casting for both spells; homing elements, effects, etc., as well as easily splitting the mana you pump into the spell between them.
Parfait accomplished this because she’s just bursting with mana at the moment. Not only does she potentially have Thothogoth’s mana pool to draw from, but she just left Core a wreck on the sidewalk, so she’s got even more mana than usual, and was able to just shove energy into that spell to overcome certain technical shortcomings. She is a competent spellcaster, but she’s not an expert, as she’s still a sophomore in Succubus Finishing School.
The new vote incentive is up! Crimson and Scarlett have a present for Ingsol!
It’s them, they’re the present. They’ve decided that “Sire-versaries” are a thing and Ingsol has to be convinced this is a good idea each time. Everyone thinks his pair of names-that-are-synonyms-with-red sirelings who are both women and who were both turned in that age range that ensure peak hotness means he’s a dirty old man, but he actually isn’t. It just worked out that way. And don’t forget that while it looks like there’s a 25 year age gap between the girls and him, it’s actually much worse, as he is 700 years old, while Scarlett is something like 180 and Crimson is only 40. But at the same time it’s meaningless as they were both fully adults when they got turned, so it’s all copacetic.
As usual, Patreon has the pair of them in various states of undress.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
Good thing she doesn’t have hooves, I guess.
I mean, a one-toed hoof like a horse would still have a frog, which I believe is sensitive skin. But a cloven hoof like a goat probably wouldn’t be eligible for tickling, yeah.
…Why am I looking up hoof anatomy on a Thursday afternoon?
Succubi are magical beings built around kinky fun, I expect their hooves would be tickleable, no matter how much sense it makes biologically.
I’m sure Parfait have other options for tickle magic attacks
Such as the bottom rope?
How a boot that? Well the sole point is to win.
Yeah, this should be considered ankle justification to bring Lulu to heel.
Ah! The game is afoot!
Well, the foot is game, the rest of her not so much :P
I’m going to give you a coveted free get out of Ninja Hit Squad card, only because I found that particularly clever.
Meanwhile, Wyld-One and Voyager will be having twice the number of ninja hit squads visiting them.
Some might say its below the belt.
Well, this is a suc-off.
No way things stay above the belt.
No need toe put your foot down Pander.
The foot clan is coming for you!
This is the only pun that I am okay with. The rest of you get ninja hit squads.
Your ninjas will never defeet us!
Well it was par-tickularly effective.
That’s the longest tongue I’ve ever seen on a boot.
would you say she’s been licked? or do we need more data?
The puns are so bad that I had to go to the dentist from teeth gnashing.
well the foot clan has vast experience with the agony of de-feet.
LMAO!!! That’s diabolical and so effective.
This might ACTUALLY be a draw.
I mean, both of them are down. Then again, Parfait took both down, so… hmmm….
Let’s see who can dispel or whatever while disabled.
I suspect they’re going to wait a bit to see if anyone can get out and be declared winner, after all, the spectator-sport aspects of succing-off probably encourage having two damsels-in-distress helplessly wiggling around in bondage and/or torment.
Since it is technically Parfait’s spell that is keeping her down, merely reflected back to her, she can dispell it anytime she feels like it…so…about next week or something…
She unsuccessfully tried to dispel it on the last page. She probably needs her voice and hands to dispel it.
Dave: Re previous comic red spell: I don’t see any red spell anywhere, especially in last panel.
Can you be more specific?
It’s there in the middle of the first panel. It isn’t obvious that that’s what it is, but it’s definitely there.
Thank you. I was looking for it in the last panel.
Just below the ‘P’ for Parfait in the fancy text.
And you can see it in the first panel of this page: took me awhile to figure out what the red flame just below Brelx’ chin was, but then spotted the faint trail leading back to Parf
Parfait, I am _severely_ disappointed.
Using tent-tickles like that constitutes a war crime.
war crimes are a human invention because we fight so much we need rules. these are not humans. though pretty sure that this is all kind of illegal on US soil. there’s no camera, signed releases, director, and a bunch of old rich people sucking 90% of the profit out of it.
Tickling is probably a legal move in a succ-off, so I’d tentacletively give her a pass.
I’m surprised I haven’t seen it used in American wrestling.
it may be one of those things that sounds good on paper (or looks good on a monitor) but in the real world is not consistent enough to be useful. also- American wrestling is dominated be big men with big muscles as silly as they act, resorting to ticking may be to far below the belt for the men.
I’m sure it probably has happened some time in the 90s. Rick Flair or someone like that.
Sounds like something Piper would do
And, there are not that many big men with big muscles in wrestling any more, got a large number of smaller men (and bigger women) now days, unless you count Otis and the Vikings (and they are just… big)
Count again, she didn’t use ten nor was a tent involved (unless you count the one in Aster’s pants)
Among succubi it might be encouraged if I know those pervs right.
A sucubi war crime is to substitute Justine, ou Les Malheurs de la Vertu – Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue – by Donatien Alphonse François de Sade and the Bible by unknown authors…
In Sucubi high school it’s considered as child molesting.
I stick to my spells from yesterday.
And a Happy New Year!!!
Won’t hurt.
I know two people who are really into that, so that’s probably a common spell taught in first year at Succubus School. I dread to imagine how specific things can get when they reach their last year. Rule 34 pataphysics?
There’s a 2016 New Zealand documentary called “Tickled” that is about what is called “competitive endurance tickling” but is oh so very much stranger than that
Didn’t Dabbler invent a tickle laser?
Now THAT’S how a succubus fights! Misdirection, overstimulation, AND sexy bondage! Lulu starting with Reflection is probably the smartest opening move I can think of, although Parfait double-casting is strictly OP – aren’t they too low-level for that kind of shenanigans?. I guess it’s a “Daughter of Xanadu” thing?
Author’s note says it’s the abundance of mana she got from Core that allows her to fuel those tricks.
Mana-gement of mana is easier when your battery is full.
It’s not really a “Daughter of Xanadu” thing, it’s more a “just shagged a super and now have an ultra-maxed-out mana bar” thing, so she’s basically just brute-forcing a double-cast. It’s explained in the author commentary beneath the comic.
And the game is a-foot!
That’s what I like so much about DaveB’s comic…It tickles my fancy.
What are the odds that Archon enters the scene when this is going on?!?!?
About equal to Sydney being the voice of reason.
“Hands off! They have to settle this themselves!”
Okay, Parfait is highly skilled being able to do that while bound. That said: GO PARFAIT!!!
Check again last and this page: she casted two spells
Butt yes, she is highly skilled
Check the author notes under the comic.
She used excess mana to brute-force a double-cast.
“You’re no supposed to help”
IE it’s between the succubi. Well, there it is. Brelx 100% did this to avoid having to fight Sydney.
I think his nuh-uh/uh-huh back-and-forth with Sydney indicates he believes she surprised him and without surprise on her side he could take ‘er.
It’s the reverse, of course, where his only way of beating HER would be a surprise attack, but this is just talking about what the meathead believes.
Ingasol is one lucky… stiff? GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY!
Ahhh, the joys of undead humor….
yeah, you’re killin’ it
Okay, THIS page upsets me a LOT.
I hate being tickled…
Finding a person’s ticklish spot(s) is always a game finishing move.
In those tough-man fights, anything goes.
New variant of ‘Tasha’s Hideous Laughter?’ ^^;
Now imagine the situation if both spells had hit
I say she’s a sorc. Used Twinned Spell, so action and bonus action were each spells! I play too much BG3.
So who had feet on the fetish bingo card?
*did we already have feet in the comic at some point?*, well double point bingo for tickle fetish, and foot tickling fetish.
The magical equivalent of Dabbler’s tickle gun? :)
This is probably what inspired Dabblers tickle laser. She had bondage grenades too right?
Not quite: those were originally designed to snare asteroids and other space crap
I assume Dabbler was only referring to the ribbon material, not the bondage bullet she built using it. She didn’t say they were designed for it either, only that they could be used for it.
Fairly sure she did say that is what they were designed for, she just repurposed them because she was told to have non-lethal (or at least non-fatal) weapons, which is why she was also working on her tickle-gun
“Fairly sure she did say that is what they were designed for”
She didn’t. (You could just have looked this up yourself, by the way.)
Possibly, like regular rope, they’re useful for many applications, and Dabbler saw them being used for asteroids once.
Thank you
So, not ‘designed for’ just ‘can be used for’
Mummification technically. but then, mum’s the word on that weapon.
Can feet actually BE arched inside a boot like that?
If you look closerer (at the feet!) you see the boot has been adjusted to add the tentickler and the feet are still in the position they had been
A sucubi crime is to substitute Justine, ou Les Malheurs de la Vertu – Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue – by Donatien Alphonse François de Sade and The Bible by unknown authors…
In Sucubi law it’s considered as exposing minors to acts of a puritan nature …
I called it yesterday! Mummification bondage into tickling!
Why have I never seen this tried before?
I acknowledge the existence of Tasha’s Hideous Laughter in D&D but no form of media I have encountered has depicted tickling as an incapacitation method.
only every fifth Bugs Bunny episode
It’s been a while but you’re probably right.
It’s not quite incapacitation, but Math used it to escape Anvil’s grip early in the comic.
@Dave, you realize you just helped way too many people discover their fetish, right?
Kind of interesting that alien demons have a ticklish response.
Look, I just… when did this comic go from ‘Sydney is badass but kooky and does superhero things’ to ‘the succubus kinky not-quite-sex hour?
Since before the first page was even posted. Back when it was just an idea in DaveB’s mind, Sydney wasn’t originally a member of the cast, and the idea was to motivate himself to keep working on it because it was going to be full of hot women. It’s always been about his fetishes, whether that be superheroes or sexy women.
Does anyone else get the vibe that the college demons are here to see if Parfait *really* wants to be in the bond with Thoth?
They were willing to fight, if that was what was needed to see Parfait.
Brelax was willing to get his arm broken to stay in the area to talk to Parfait.
Parfait was glad to see all of them, and considers them her friends.
Brelax was willing to not fight, to change it into a succubus off… where Parfait would have a perfect reason to lose to a powerful Lulumon, if she wanted to.
You could be on to something but we have that “I can’t disobey him I’ve tried.” Red flag.
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