Grrl Power #1124 – Battle (un)dress
I haven’t actually decided, but I think this guy might be trying to impress/seduce Max? He’s definitely planning on fighting her, but I’m leaning toward this guy being just a little too impressed with himself and thinking “While I’m proving my mettle to her, it surely can’t hurt to show off the V-taper and the 8-pack.” This line of thinking ignores the fact that all Supers are in fantastic shape, so it’s nothing Max hasn’t seen quite a lot of over her career.
Writing a guy with this attitude goes against my personal instincts as well. While I’ve heard repeatedly that confidence is something women tend to find attractive in a man, for me, there’s an incredibly narrow window between insecure or at least cautiously self-depreciating and overconfident douchebag bordering on narcissism.
My own personal speed is that if someone tells me “Hey, you’re good at [thing]” my response is usually along the lines of “Well, I guess, compared to someone who is slightly less good at [thing], then technically… I mean, everything is relative.” I guess I’m terrified of ever dipping my toe into lake douchebag, which in my head is some sort of steaming bog full of industrial runoff, whatever snake oil Alex Jones is hawking, and Axe Body Spray. Curiously absent from lake douchebag? Diluted vinegar.
The January Vote Incentive is up! Time for the quarterly fashion show that Anvil puts Maxima through. Can you detect the theme?
Variant outfits and lack thereof over at Patreon.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
Dave should go read alex jones some-time. Guy uses easily searched sources every 4 or 5 seconds, even in his most unhinged rants. If you know the material he’s trying to share, it’s not hard to understand why he’s so crazy.
No, no one should read alex jones.
You are drastically misnamed.
Sorry to tell you, but not being willing to hear the other side of an argument only reinforces the idea your own argument is weak. Always know the opposition position and be ready to counter it.
Eh, I agree in principle but only in small amounts. Some ideas are just poison. (I’d say “memes” instead of “ideas”, but the meme that memes are pictures with words on them has poisoned that word.)
Likewise, saying that you should having a varied diet is healthy but that does not mean you have to eat one of every type of confectionery each day. You already know candy is bad for you in those amounts, you don’t have to prove it every day.
Continuing to engage bad faith actors with bad faith arguments serves only to elevate them in the discourse.
This is why the entire concept of “the marketplace of ideas” is utter trash. It creates and sustains the myth that all ideas are equally good and valid, which they are not, and perpetuates the cult of ignorance identified by Asimov with the claim that, “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, or Matt Walsh have nothing to offer but their own biases, and post hoc justifications for fascist behaviors & policies.
You can get better news analysis from John Oliver, better advice from Dolly Parton, and better Internet social commentary from literally any member of friggin’ BreadTube.
John Oliver? Really? And BreadTube? Those guys have been caught out in so many lies and poor argumentation I didn’t think there was anyone left who considered them reputable sources. Even CNN’s characterization of Alex Jones is more reputable than John Oliver or commie-tube.
Also, before you proclaim Alex, Jordan or Matt to be Fascist, please, for the love of whatever you hold sacred, look up the definition and traits of fascism. It’s not “anyone right of lenin”, “anyone who disagrees with the progressives” or “anyone I don’t like”, it is very specifically authoritarians who believe that Government, Business and Personal Life should have no separation, that government should control everything and anyone who disagrees should be crushed by government censure or peer pressure, which they see as being one in the same.
So, the Cancel Culture people are Wannabe Fascists?
“So many.”
Cite your sources.
Show us the lies. Should be easy, right? With “so many” examples, ja?
And that is an example of bad-faith argument. You are AUTOMATICALLY assuming that anyone who disagrees with you or any sources that are cited against your position are lies.
No, the assumption is that if there were sources to cite, they would have cited them, rather than just making an unsupported claim to their existence.
nobody in this line of “discussion” has cited a single source as of yet… heck there’s barely even an example of what one of these pundits/personalities has said or claimed… bad faith and/or unsupported opinions all around!
There are some things we assume don’t require citation, like “The sky is blue”, for the sake of expedience. Unfortunately, people tend to be so caught up in their own worldview that they assume things that are in contention. We believe that everyone knows the same things we do, and agrees with us on those things, or they’ve been living under a rock or are crazy or malicious.
We’ve reached a point where people have such divergent beliefs about basic facts that they’re not willing to contemplate other perspectives on that it really makes it hard to have a coherent, productive discussion on many topics. I don’t really know what the solution is. I’m more interested in understanding the universe than convincing anyone else of my perspective, and still find conversation with many people frustrating. It’s like people don’t speak the same language, or even live in the same universe. It’s hard to find any common ground on which to base a discussion.
You simultaneously argue that people should listen to Alex Jones, (a man who lied and libeled so hard he lost a BILLION DOLLAR lawsuit) but poison the well against leftists because of uncited “lies” and “poor argumentation”? Also your definition of fascism (palingenetic ultranationalism) is both woefully lacking and wrong, but would still apply to literally the entire right given their legislation against people’s bodily autonomy and the existence of books that are uncomfortable for them.
From your response, I can tell you didn’t watch any of Alex’s trials or read the court decisions. The sheer amount of bias and bullshit the judge pulled was sufficient to declare a mistrial. Which you probably haven’t heard either.
As for your asertion that I’m wrong on fascism and it’s merely racist nationalism, further proves you’ve no idea at all what the foundations of the fascist movement were about. Germany used racism, yes, but spain itally and the US didn’t and they all had fascist parties at the same time.
Finally, it’s amusing you think I wouldn’t apply the same standard to the republicans. Some of them are fascists. Particularly the neocons. That doesn’t mean 95% of the democratic leadership and radical footsoldiers aren’t also fascists.
And before you try to use the gaslight “antif fascists aren’t fascist, it’s in the name” please remember that by that same logic, the Nazi’s are socialists, and north korea is a democracy.
Wow, you are drinking the koolaid. Alex Jones literally embarassed himself, then got outed by his own lawyer. Then FAILED to get a mistrial declared.
The mere fact that you went “some of them are fascists” but pulled “95%” out of your ass for democrats is just silly bias. We know that nazis are republican, not socialist, we know that labels get co-opted. But we’d have to get into the weeds of what you consider fascist.
Jekel, you are speared upon your own argument. There was nothing useful to respond to in the false sherlocks statement, nor honestly is there in yours. How can I be unwilling to listen when there is no argument presented?
There is no world in which someone should willingly read Alex Jones.
to be fair, he was the first to start screaming about 911, and if you have read the 911 commission report, it’s does not take a genius to know that something is defiantly going on with that fiasco that does not follow the narrative.
Jones is a conspiracy theory grifter, and general “Shit My Dad Says” asshole.
There was nothing “funny” about 9/11, beyond the fact that A, the USA creates all it’s own enemies, and B, the general culture of noncooperation and jurisdictional fuckery that characterized pre-9/11 law enforcement.
And I swear to GAWT, if I hear one more person regurgitate “jEt FuEl DoEsN’t MeLt StEeL,” I’m going to invent time travel just to give their father a fucking condom.
There is SO much funny with 9/11 that its just…sad.
the same people that bought that bs, are the same kind of people the “magic bullet theory” worked on.
alex jones portrays a character. unfortunately, that character tends to be an asshole. doesnt mean EVERYTHING he says is insane. Just stupid. Usually. dont particularly care for the guy, so havent watched much of his crap. Jordan mostly seems on the level. Not sure where all the hate for him comes from. actually, dont know who matt walsh is supposed to be? another twitter asshat?
Hate for Jordan comes from those he absolutely destroys, usually because their ‘arguments’ are full of so much bullshit and misinformation
Jones is a grifter, and yes, everything he says about 9/11 was horseshit.
Walsh is a cryptofascist who is rapidly losing his mask, and has recently intimated that the solution for homelessness is killing them.
Peterson is a self-closeted fascist with a messiah complex, and I do not have the time or spoons to break him down here. Here, go and watch this very brief (no, do not look at the time stamp) tear down video by Cody the Brody Johnston:
“There was nothing “funny” about 9/11”
Seth MacFarlane did make an episode or two about 9/11 with jokes. That time travel episode.
Haha, English is dumb. Yes.
Also, MacFarlane is also kind of an asshole.
Yes but a funny a-hole :)
Seth MacFarlane was supposed to be on one of the 9/11 planes but missed it. Thus, he took it as a license to pack as many 9/11 jokes into his show as physically possible.
Alex Jones uses easily searched sources that are nonsense, or that he manipulates into nonsense. For a theoretical example, “Many municipalities add fluoride to the water in order to promote healthy teeth, a program that has been wildly successful for decades” and “Some frogs can change sex in response to environmental and/or population conditions” becomes “they’re putting chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay!”
If you read the research, there have actually been studies that show that chemical runoff from factories is in fact turning frogs hermaphroditic in a way that does not normally occur.
One situation in which Alex Jones was wrong by not being extreme enough – the chemicals in the water are turning the frogs *trans*.
Xenoestrogens leeching out of plastics in particular are the chemicals in question, and amphibians in particular are susceptible to this effect owing to their reproductive cycle.
Jones takes this one fact, and spins into hysterical conspiratorial shrieking.
Counterpoint: they should be putting chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay. That would be hilarious.
no it would be fabulous. gay frog drag racing.
Somewhere in the universe, the fact that those four words are together in one sentence has probably destroyed a planet.
And in another part of the universe, those four words equal a multi-billion local_currency industry (double that when you take into consideration the double meaning of ‘drag racing’)
“A brilliant cascade of cause and effect. Isn’t the universe an amazing place? I wouldn’t live anywhere else.”
– G’Kar – Babylon 5 – Legend of the Rangers
I was wondering if the frogs were wearing drag or in drag racers. I choose to believe it’s both.
How do you read Alex Jones? I thought he only talked.
sadly there are transcripts.
Oh, gawd, no, don’t use that word, he’ll start shrieking that there’s a plot to turn him trans. *facepalm*
Hahahaha! Go! GO FOR IT! Have him run around with his hands over his crotch yelling “They’re coming to take my Oscar Myer Wiener!”
He doesn’t use sources AT ALL.
Alex Jones is known for making shit up constantly. Kinda why his ass got sued into the ground for defamation.
You know, break away clothing would get really expensive. They are designed to fall apart.
So even if you are not showing off by ripping it off, the clothing will eventually fall apart just from daily wear and tear in a matter of weeks.
Honestly, not worth the cost or the effort.
His secondary super power is “Battle Stripper”.
Someone get him a soundtrack and dazzle lights.
While obviously his stripping song is I’m too sexy for my shirt’ It’s a shame he’s too impatient to tease.
Imagining “Vogue” or “Sweet Escape” playing over the overhead pa system and he begins dancing uncontrollably.
His secondary power and stripping is also part of why he’s called Super Massive
*eyebrow waggle*
Is… that like why they call someone 7 feet tall ‘Tiny’? Or someone 500 lbs ‘Slim’?
He thinks he’s in a shonen anime, I guess.
No I have to agree with Maxima. also on an aesthetic level “Shirtless Muscle Man” is so Blaaaaaaaaaaaaah. there’s nothing there! No Allure! the Shirt is the tasty garnish for Beefcake! Hell even those cheesy useless “Shoulderguard and nothing else” adds a little.
Where do I get my Logic? Nappa. He lost all interesting quality when he became that bald saiyan in a speedo.
If he had a massive back tattoo of one thing, then maybe he’ll be more interesting.
back tattoo of My Little Pony.
The one of Sailor Moon is on his ankle.
“The Phenomenal Suck Hole!” will be about the best he can make from this now.
And that is why you reveal yourself on TV, before the first fight. So you have at least minimal control over your name.
Shades of She Hulk, Attorney at Law
This guy is not deserving of a long fight.
End him quickly.
Haha, I love this guy.
Rayne Summers, is that you?
More likely to be Gayne.
Whatever happened to Gayne?
Same thing that happened to Mick, Cyndi/Carter, John, Archie, Rob, Issa, Rayne’s half-sister, and Julie’s dad.
Disappeared. The webcomic got a lot more sitcom-ized to just his immediate housemates/family, and Marcy and his secretary for work shenanigans. Oh and his mom, dad, brother and occasionally a teacher for the weekend stuff when he was a kid.
If Rayne didnt like to have walks in the park while pontificating, Noel would probably be gone as well. :)
Reading that comic was more than I could do. I can only turn my brain off for so long.
I gave it up years ago (along with their other one, LFG), but that 1-liner running gag is very distinct.
Behold- The OSHA compliant civilian suit, It’s a safety feature! You can’t strangle him with it if it’s thrown off to the side, unless you go get it! (Just like a lot of construction visibility vests are designed to break away in case they get caught in machinery)
I might be channelling Sydney, just a touch with that one.
Security guards are required to wear clip-on ties instead of real ones so they can’t get strangled in a fight with a prisoner. I speak as one who knows.
Yep, I worked at a high security psychiatric unit. The only time you ever saw a tie behind the fence was when the suits from Austin were in town.
Ties are basically anti-armor: You’re handing your enemies a garrotte, pre-attached to your neck.
They’re like ridiculously high heels: Proof that you are not ready for a fight. It kinda makes sense that they are a symbol of civilization and city life: You’re not supposed to walk around ready to murder.
Ironically, ties have at least some of their origin in protective neck wear.
…I swear, if these people turn out to be ultra-rich superpowered villain LARPers…
Well, they’ll get what they deserve.
I am guessing that PR (Arianna) will have a few things to say to Max if this little conversation hits the media.
Max: “Nothing that’s breakaway is nice!” Love the expression on her face. Confront her with power that actually made her change her energy balance and she’s like, “Ok, what next?” Confront her with true douchbaggery and watch out.
I like this page. Especially the center panel.
I dont know why but he looks like a dweeb doing it while when kazuma kiryu does it he looks bad ass.
That’s because he is a dweeb, which is insulting to every other dweeb
It’s the smile, I think. His cheeks get a bit too cherub-like and it just looks weird on him. Even without seeing his face it makes him look baby-faced. xD
Meanwhile… In Africa, Sydney is still recharging her orbs. Between flight orb overriding gravity and almost any other orb she has, this’d be an easy fight.
i dont know if someone has already said this but max is definitely channeling Sidney there
And there’s really just absolutely no way of knowing, is there?
I don’t know if someone has already said it but max is defiantly channeling Sidney there
I understand Maxima’s pain. Though the second name she came up with is worse than the first. Maybe she should have called him heavy Pete or something like that
“Super Dense”?
“Masshole? But I’m from New Hampshire!”
… That’s the point! The second name is supposed to be worse!!
Every time we see one of these morons talk I’m convinced they’re more obsessed about looking cool than being an effective organisation.
Welcome to why only Deus, Sciona, and Vehemence are – that we yet know of – legitimate threats.
They all understand that accomplishing their goal takes priority.
now I am hoping that one of Dues’ companies is ‘PlaceHolder Co’.
How come no-one saying anything about the other use for his name?
I mean, if he introduced himself to some of other other gals as being “Super Massive” they would have smirked and demanded he prove it by removing the tear away pants! Can you see Harem, Sydney or Dabbler not asking to see the evidence?
Sydney would be too embarrassed to ask.
Dabbler isn’t here to see Superior Masturbation… no offense.
bet she can do it though.
Max is channelling Sydney so much that they’re starting to look similar.
Hahahahahaha Sydney is rubbing off on her. xD
I just imagined that. Dabbler would enjoy the images
Honestly? “Gravity Goombah” is *still* a better name than “For whom the bell tolls…” …. -Okay, except for the bit with the googly eyes. That was awesome….
Anyone else reminded of the Marquis deSade episoad of Jack of All Trades?
Max seems very triggered by masculinity. It seems like her job is impacting her mental health.
She’s fine with healthy masculinity. She’s opposed to this moron gaming out the scenario where his life choices bring him into direct physical conflict with super-powered law enforcement, and the only thing he’s decided to improve about that path was to spend money on a stupid single-use vanity outfit.
What masculinity are you talking about here?
You’re not seriously categorizing idiocy as masculine, are you?
Or experiencing negative emotions like anger and frustration as mental health issues? Aren’t those frequently considered masculine emotions? Are you saying that men all have mental health issues?
I hope you’re trolling, because otherwise I worry for you.
Use of the word “supranym,” glowy belt buckle with said supranym AND a matching glowy visor? Methink DaveB is channeling Adam Warrren today :P
This just hurts…. please to make the fight end quickly so we can just move on from this guy.
Just call in the fashion ninjas to shred him x_x
It might be pretty fun to see him in their version of a gimp suit.
Ooooh, he’s reminding me of the boosted-up Prophet in Evoland 2. With an added “SM” belt, which, we see what you did there ;)
The SM on his belt is a nice touch XD
How do I stop notifications
He is the Turbator of Mass!
After having Sydney around for awhile, Maxima’s nerd past is starting to come back…. Combine with a trained military person & you get someonw who is “just done” with stupid preening villians
Maxima, Covering your face when you are imminently in hand to hand combat is a non-standard kata. Where did you learn that idea?
Responder: I’m perfectly safe. He’s in pre-combat monologue for a few minutes yet.
Okay, so… I absolutely love that last panel. Maxima channeling her inner Sydney was definitely the scene I needed this week XD
I think Maxima needs to calm down with the feminism because she’s becoming a bit sexist herself, taking your shirt off to fight isn’t a sexual thing, guys will do this when fighting each other, this goes double for wrestlers. Remember that South Park episode where Randy fights his way through his son’s baseball games, what does he do before every fight, he takes his shirt of, he’s not trying to impress them he just wants to fight. By jumping to conclusions (granted ‘Super Massive” is cringe) Maxima is objectifying this guy as just a male, just someone that wants to fuck her, whereas from his perspective it could be that he’s putting on a show because he wants to be the best super villain he can be and Major Buzzkill here is bringing him down. The guy has a six pack and a tailored suit, in spite of anything else I highly doubt anyone with those two things is struggling to get laid, so the fact that Maxima has a nice rack probably doesn’t matter much to him, whereas the fact that she’s a world famous superhero is more likely on the forefront of his mind. Men are not so simple that we’re utterly fixated on every set of tits we see, distracted certainly, but not fixated to the exclusion of all else.
sir, when – exactly – did this become about feminism? this guy is so up his own ass he could form his own event horizon at any second. maxima’s reaction is one of sheer astonishment at the mass of self-importance given bipedal form standing before her.
Hence, “Super Masshole.”
Cog is just one of those people fishing for any possible excuse to claim feminism is bunk because “girls do it too.”
Oh, I’m fully aware. I just like being subtle like a steamroller with those sorts, since they don’t seem to understand any other definition of the word – and I don’t take very kindly to the foundations their arguments are based upon, neither.
You’re right it’s not about feminism, as in the social movement for women’s rights and equality, but the unfortunate thing about social movements is that they evolve over time as goals are reached and the horizon receeds. Now there are people calling themselves “feminists” who don’t want equality they’re just man hating sexists and an embarrassment/detriment to everything the original feminists stood for. That’s the nasty thing about politics we could have an entire argument and both use the same word but with entirely different meanings. To avoid such a pointless exchange I concede that I misspoke, my issue isn’t with Maxima being a feminist it’s that she’s being sexist and her sexism isn’t necessarily tied to her feminism.
You’re reading an awful lot into this page, seemingly based on your perception that Maxima is sexist. You’re attributing motives to her behavior that confirm what you already believe, even though it’s not actually supported by the events on the page.
On an unrelated note, I’m stealing the “event horizon” line for future use.
In a word, “Eyeewwww!”
Should be nicknamed ‘vax’ as in “nothing sucks like a vax” (a vacuum cleaner brand)
“ My own personal speed is that if someone tells me “Hey, you’re good at [thing]” my response is usually along the lines of “Well, I guess, compared to someone who is slightly less good at [thing], then technically… I mean, everything is relative.” I guess I’m terrified of ever dipping my toe into lake douchebag, which in my head is some sort of steaming bog full of industrial runoff, whatever snake oil Alex Jones is hawking, and Axe Body Spray. “
Or, you could just graciously accept a compliment instead of being so insecure as to overthink it to death. You can accept compliments and remain humble. You might need just a teensy bit of Super Massive’s confidense.
* Suspiciously eyes spelling of final word*
I love how Maxima paraphrases Sidney in strip #246 when she talks about the PR team.
I mean, calling yourself “super massive” doesn’t sound good either. Should have just let him keep the name and have everyone snicker.
Magic Muck
Exposure to Sydney has levelled up Max’s banter.
Or perhaps she was dialing it down so as not to encourage Sydney, who needs no encouragement.