Grrl Power #1055 – Lifestyles of the rich and eccentric
I’m not going to lie, this is one of my favorite pages I’ve done in a while. Even despite all the fiddly background stuff. Panel 5 cracks me up every time. Just the thought of that playing out in a TV show or something. Maxima’s eyes slowly tracking up from the trapdoor to Deus, her voice that perfect balance of exasperation and the exhaustion women experience around men doing stupid shit. “Seriously?” Ah, good times.
And I’m not taking any bets on whether he “accidentally” showed her the panels with the women in metallic paint. I mean, honestly, that could swing wildly in either direction for him.
And then there’s Deus’s pure joy at being able to finally show off some of his toys. Look, if I was a billionaire, I would 100% at the very least have a secret room behind a bookcase somewhere in my house or office. It wouldn’t even open up into a room full of weird shit, just like a little personal lounge with a mini fridge and a comfy chair for reading, with acoustically treated walls and a nice sound system. I would also probably have a room with a bunch of flip around panels, because WHY WOULDN’T I? I honestly question the sanity of anyone who has literally billions of “walking around town” dollars who doesn’t have some silly indulgent thing in their home or office. What is the point, otherwise?
Yes, Deus’s control pad is just a USB Novation Launchpad which is usually used for playing back sampled music, but I’m sure you can map those keys to anything.
Drawing this page made me think about trap doors in the floor. Like, now Deus has to walk down to the floor below him and carry those chairs back up. Yeah, he probably has some building maintenance people who can do that for him, but still, until they get around to it, he’s out of seating in his little office up there.
The June Vote Incentive is up! What’s that dripping down Sydney’s face? Uh… well, actually, clicking on the link won’t actually give it away necessarily, cause the thumbnail is from one of the, er, advanced pictures in the series, if you take my meaning. Yes, I mean there is a nude version of Sydney (and guest) over at the Patreon version.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
I can’t believe nobody mentioned this. Don’t you open that TRAP DOOR!
Can remember watching that show… waayyy back in the day
I loved that show as a kid!
…that’s about all I remember of it…
I have never heard of the show, but the voice doing the intro narration is solid; thought it might be Karloff for a moment.
And completely at odds with the claymation art style; somehow I’m not surprised to learn it’s British. And seeing as the artist went to Aardman Animations and I’m a fan of basically everything they’ve ever done, I think I have to go watch it now.
I shall counter with
Ahg, I had forgotten that show.
For good as its intro usually was the best part…
Also: I LOVE Deus.
He is what I wouod be i I had his Powerbase, I hope.
And what many a man should aspire to.
On the one hand this is an interesting fun little page. But here I am just stuck mentally obsessing over the shirt sidney is wearing in the vote incentive. I am probably missing something very obvious about krillin, and his chestnut name, and how it relates with ice cream in varying amounts and maybe a song reference or something?
I dunno, my brain just is not parsing it. I may be overthinking it.
Was wondering that as well, but don’t some people sprinkle nuts on their ice cream?
If nuts are available and not allergic then yeah, I love nuts on my cream.
Most people seem to get their cream from nuts…
There do appear to be commas and a period at the end. SO presumably it’s meant to form some sort of sentence. The first ice cream scoop seems to be cookies and cream, the third one looks like chocolate. Not sure on the others.
Was wondering what the first one was, honestly thought it was a meteor(ite?) at first
Last one is mint or pistachio?
That shade of green usually is Pistachio while Mint tends to be a paler shade of green.
This might be relevant
Deus is simultaneously one of the most terrifying men in existance and a giant child and i love him for it.
From what we’ve seen of Deus, it would not be surprising at all if the more “naughty” secret panels were just there for show because, if nothing else, he loves to troll people into making assumptions about him. :)
Okay, I’m warming up to the imminent benevolent dictator. I like secret rooms.
My only regret is that Sydney’s not there to see this. Can you imagine her reaction?!
‘knew it. Pay up, Max.’
picturing her trying to grab something, snagging on it. Deus looking amused as she and her protective shield start wreaking havoc with the machinery as they get dragged through all the configurations.”Why aren’t you upset?” “It just gives me a reason to remodel and buy more things”
This feels like the right time to make a Deus X Maxima joke.
I’m 80% convinced one of the reasons Maxima won’t date him is because, while she didn’t mind the slightly more general term being used to her face, she wants to prevent all possible futures where she could ever be referred to as “Deus’s Ex, Maxima”.
You win.
“Who doesn’t want a room with secret panels?”
“Crazy people. That’s who doesn’t want secret panels. That would be awesome.”
I agree… but you definitely label the buttons. Deus, THIS was embarrassing!
As much as I don’t want to agree with that megalomaniac, he’s not wrong on this one
I saw people talking about trapdoors in the comics, and I was presuming it was general comments and not specific to the comic we just read. Is one of the panels a trapdoor? Did any of those panels result in a gas mask?
Do I want to know what the weird face on the t-shirt in the vote incentive is?
Panel four has a door in the floor (some chaps might call that a trap)
Panel eight looks like it has a face mask of some sort
That ‘weird face’ on the t-shirt is Krillin, famous(?) for getting killed more times than anyone else dragging balls and for getting an android pregnant
“…and for getting an android pregnant.”
THIS – is why I never watched Dragonballs. :)
She was actually a cyborg.
From what I understand, Krillin did something with his Dragging balls and made 18 “human”, given she was one before. I guess she was more cyborg than android though.
Deus is my favourite supervillain.
I wouldn’t really call him a super villain, I mean he is doing good… in a wierd round about sort of way.
Well, he *does* have his Presentation down.
Anyone get the inkling that Sydney and him would make GREAT pals? I mean seriously, they are so alike yet different I dare to imagine what they would make if you put em in the same room together.
its been done. Sydney wasn’t as confident as she is now. it would be funny if she decides to pursue Dues giving us two legs of an indifference triangle. the comedy potentials (including puns) are endless.
I’d like to see a D20 showdown between them.
Am I the only one who when confronted with pits that open w a button press thinks of Dr Evil?
Cause I haven’t seen any comments on that. And you know it would be ‘Groovy, baby, yeah’.
I bet Deus has ALREADY practised the finger thing.
It bothers me that the orbs in the vote incentive are off-center. I understand why, but couldn’t you also have tilted the angle of their orbit? Like a hat at a jaunty angle, but rotating orbs.
Speaking of the invotive: bets on who caught the pair creaming each other in a public place?
Maxi? Dabbles? Leon?
So I’m guessing the trap door lead to the sex dungeon, given content of the first two rotating panels.
Not a plus for Max.
So that super-genius with super-empathy Deus was talking about?
Yea, so apparently that’s not himself he was talking about.
Either he doesn’t actually have super-genius, or he does and “accidently” showing Maxima all these things was in fact done on purpose, for reasons that only he can understand.
Or, as with most of his stuff, he hired super-geniuses. (The latter is my expectation, as otherwise ‘loaning them out’ becomes difficult.)
With super-genius should come super-memory, so to me it seems like:
-Either Deus ISN’T the super-genius he’s been portraying himself as (Maybe he’s got one working for him; being rich is the best super power after all.)
-Or, he IS, and he’s just messing with Maxima. Which would be perfectly in character for him.
Still, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen him have trouble remembering something simple. Remember episode #770? So option one is still on the table…
Speaking of the vote incentive… DQ would like to speak to you about leasing the rights to the ‘cloud that rains whip cream’ spell.
I wouldn’t mind having secret oanels, rooms, and tunnels.
Would be a blast to have.
…I’m getting serious Get Smart vibes from this…
Love that the ballgags, collars and handcuffs come in three’s.
With Deus sex isn’t just kinky, every night is orgy night.
Or he could be completely vanilla but if you have the sliding panels one has to be a weird sex one, the rules of trope. There’s also the conspiracy one with unrelated things attached together by coloured string, family portraits with an ancestor he looks suspiciously like sitting on a scull throne, Collage mood board, high school trophies, secret fanart wall, suspicious experimental creatures suspended in green bubbling vats.
There is no possible way Deus opened up the secret panels to images of naked metalic women on the 2nd try by accident.
Deus being an evil tech genius, would ofc have the chairs have miniature gyroscopes and highly accurate gps, some circuitry to send the information to a wireless receiver that could then extrapolate the position/rotation of the chairs, and some sort of conductive metal(or anti gravity tech) to wirelessly create magnetic fields to hover the chairs back into position. I mean sure lackys are cool, AND important, but why if you had more brains than money(and he has a lot of both) would you NOT want to go even further down the eccentric genius/billionaire route? And SURE the chairs/receivers/other tech themselves would likely be worth more than most peoples homes. But who cares. Also making them LOOK like just normal plain wooden chairs ADDS to the charm! Because people would be all like “why does a billionaire have 2 ikea chairs in his office whose carpet is worth more than some smaller/poorer nations?”. the look on their faces…ahh good times.
Catching up on the backlog, and just had to say: Yay for having the weapons on the wall be UNLOADED. It drives me bananas how movies are always showing walls of guns with their magazines in. So thank you for not doing that! :D