November Vote Incentive Posted
I thought I would make a separate post for this.
The vote incentive is updated! I started drawing this and honestly had the thought that I might shelve it so I could use this for a plotline setup in the comic itself. The Vallejo Glamor, not the Nude version, obviously. And while I reserve the right to do it at some point in the future, the one thing I learned from drawing this is that those tiny bikinis take a lot more effort than you might think. Sure, in the comic, the art wouldn’t be nearly so fiddly and intricate, but Sydney’s “Coin Mail” is right out, and I can also foresee Maxima’s “Drizzled Metal” bikini just wildly morphing from page to page, not because it’s supposed to me like a clingy T-1000, but because I just think I remember how it looks and don’t bother checking and 5 pages later it looks suspiciously like Princess Leia’s slave bikini.
Though I will say the TOS Star Trek cloudy pastel backgrounds are a little easier to draw than perspective correct interiors.
Nude and textless versions over at Patreon.
Hah! That’s amazing. I love Sydney’s “coin bikini” as you call it, and Dabbler’s whole attitude in response to this is just fantastic.
i would argue that maybe hero is overdressed there, but the design of the outfits is really good
i mean Hiro, ofc
I mean Hiro ofc
Hiro also appears to be … underpresenting. Just judging by the “elephant trunk” image which was used as a censor when his clothes were blown off. And the speculation about the women he mated with needing to have “vaginas of holding” a la the D&D magic item which can hold a massive amount of stuff and still present as a normal belt pouch.
I debated how big to make him, but honestly didn’t spend a ton of time thinking about it.
I figure that it’s also possible that DaveB used the “elephant trunk” earlier for a reason…In this vote incentive Hiro may look like he’s falling a bit short compared to that but using an over-sized censor before also gave DaveB a chance to consider Hiro’s true size but have a bit of “wiggle room” to work with based on that.
Oh BTW, all puns intended…
How would the look dressed as certain Gauls!?
I would think that General Faulk would be a better fit for Vitalstatistix. So would Doc Chevy dress as Bacteria, and Max as her French counter-part (Ielosubmarine)?
Sydney looks really cute. Has she considered Cosplay at conventions?
There is a comic where she says she owns some dresses for cosplay purposes.
And presumably a LOT of padding. Because heroic proportions.
Very nice. Are there going to be individual versions on the patreon or just the group shot?
Hilarious, and I do appreciate Boris’ work.
But wouldn’t a proper Vallejo glamour cause everyone to look like him and his wife?
Let’s take a moment to appreciate that even in Vallejo-vision, the guy is the only one who’s outfit has pockets. Other than the banana-hammock, obviously.
Max and Dabbler don’t need pockets. They can just tuck things into their cleavage. Poor Sydney, on the other hand…
Dave; you out did yourself this time. And while I would love a Vallejo-altered plot arc, I appreciate the extra
labor involved. Feel free to do more Vallejo-style incentive portraits, though.
Thanks! I’m pretty pleased with this one.
“I was planning to wear this today anyway.” That’s the Dabbler we know and love.
Agreed that the Vallejo Glamor is very impressive; something like this in the comic would be a lot of fun, particularly if you worked out a sufficiently work light wardrobe for the characters that you could explore the quirks of the environment. You’ve got the background style spot on.
Yes, explore the quirks of the environment. I would like to see that… for research purposes… because now I want to introduce something like this in my supers RPG.
Totally a cross-time caper / dimension shift thing.
Oh, Sydney, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.
Right? And neither does Dave. I remember inquiring awhile back when we’d see Sydney in some of the NSFW stuff, and Dave voiced concern for illustrating her less “super” build and needing more practice. Fine job he’s done, I say.
Sudden urge to read Gordon novels again.
Gor not Gordon
That’s right Vallejo did the art for the covers didn’t he?
A number of the first ones, maybe the first 6-7?
I just like how Max calls Boris Vallejo the one true god. Which means she is WAY nerdier than she lets on.
Why do I find scantily clad Sydney to be the sexiest figure in this particular piece?
Because she *is*?
I expect Dabbler would have suggestions – although she hasn’t been on Earth that long. Perhaps Syndey would be the one to offer Gor fanfic recommendations!
I forgot to mention ONE little thing in my last post. Dabbler finds it rather odd based on her “This is BULLCRAP” line, because Max is telling her that she is over dressed.
The very idea of a scantily-dressed Maxima telling a near-naked Dabbler that she’s ‘overdressed’ is utterly hilarious!
Followed a rec from Royal Road and just mainlined 990+ pages in 2 days. Just wanted to say Thank You! This remains extremely funny, inventive (and occasionally spicy). I look forward to having it on my weekly roster from here on out.
Awesome! Glad you’re enjoying the comic.
Love the comic and the outfits here, particularly Dabblers.
Maybe it’s just me but for some reason I can’t un-see it. Max seems to have what looks like a bruised eye
Re book cover art
What is most interesting is the cover art can be either great or not so great depending. A good cover art gives you the thousand foot view of what you might be seeing in the book. Something that was kind of lacking in electronic media you don’t get the chance to maybe see the artist’s view of what they’re writing about. However; I do know that a lot of times the cover art is chosen after the book is written and not by the author
Honestly, this is (IMHO) the most beautiful vote incentive you’ve created so far! My hat’s off to you sir!
Ribbons? 4 at the most, national Defense, honor grade, marksmanship, and whatever she got for getting back home…
Marksmanship, is bogus next to Expert. Which I have, with the M16.
Speaking of royal road, have you considered releasing your tamer fan fic there as well? If you are releasing it for free anyway it might get more eyes on it and serve as a way to cross promote your other projects. It doesn’t hurt that its better written than like 98% of the stuff on there.
I hadn’t considered it, mostly because I don’t usually write the books start to finish. I tend to write scenes I like, then bridge stuff together, which almost always requires a bunch of editing when I get up to the previously written stuff. It’s not an optimal way to read something in progress. It’s also probably not an optimal way to write, if I’m honest.
Which is a perfectly valid way to write if that works for you. But you already have a backlog of chapters (book 1), and are about to have a bunch more. Make a boilerplate disclamer that you only release chapters when you have a whole book written and suddenly you have a whole new audience with eyes on your work and an on page link to your patron. Sorry if I seem pushy, I like your work and want more people to see it.
I hate Vallejo’s art only a little less than i hate Corben’s
Vallejo i hate because for a while there it seemed as if every fantasy book published had to have a Vallejo cover, and they all pretty much looked the same.
Corben i hate because his art is Ugly/
With a capital :UGH”.
Considering I have the collection of Vallejo that was published back in the late 80’s, yeah, I like it.
@Dave Barrack
You mentioned your OCD wouldn’t handle the computer doing weird numbering past 9,999 due to file names.
The solution: Make 10,000 and beyond officially a “new” series that continues from where grrlpower leaves off, something like “Grrlpower: Ascended!”
Then, if your files are in folder alphabetically, you may have…
And then, if by some craziness, you run out of those numbers…
… here comes “Grrlpower: Beyond”
Your getting better at Dazzler butt *thumbs up*
Dabbler would be the first to tell you that she has a magnificent and sexy butt. She would also be very disappointed if men were not looking at her butt.
At least it’s not Frazetta. Vallejo’s characters at least have vaguely realistic proportions. Frazetta, not so much. That said, I kinda get the impression that Vallejo might be a Frazetta fan.
You know, if Deus and Max have workd out a signal system, it is ENTIRELY possible that he just told Max, via both when she grabbed his “air quoting” hand and hand signals while he is talking to her. Her tapping the brim of her hat? Acknowledgement that she understood the message.