Tamer: Enhancer
I wrote a book!

It has nothing whatsoever to do with Grrl Power. It’s actually Tamer fanfic. Hopefully that’s obvious from the cover there.
I’ve never written a book before, so I decided to see if I could. I’ve dabbled in prose before, like a lot of you, I’m sure, but never actually finished anything. I figured that using an established universe would make the process a bit easier. Actually I found writing quite enjoyable, editing is the hard part.
Please let me know what you think! Pacing, wordsmithing, characters, all that good stuff. I’m amenable to all constructive feedback. Feel free to leave comments here, but please be mindful of spoilers if you do. You can also email me at grrlpowercomic@gmail.
FYI – There are sex scenes in the book (spoilers, I guess.) Not a lot, but they don’t fade to black. Well, some are more terse than others. I would describe them as explicit, but not gratuitous, but those are obviously relative terms. If you’ve survived MSE sex scenes you’ll be fine.
Tamer: King of Dinosaurs is by Michael-Scott Earle. I’ve linked it several times in the past. The first book is free if you’ve never checked it out, but you don’t need to be familiar with Tamer to read my story.
Obviously, “Tamer: King of Dinosaurs” is Michael-Scott Earle’s IP and my fan work is by a fan for fans, and certainly not intended to infringe in any way.
Download the format of your choice here.
- Tamer: Enhancer – mobi for kindles
- Tamer Enhancer – epub for everything else
- Tamer Enhancer – PDF if you like.
- 02/03/2020 – The book’s been updated with a ton of edits and fixes.
- 02/16/2020 – Even more fixes.
Book 2 is out! Check it out here!
For those of you unsure of how to get a .mobi file onto your Kindle or Kindle app on your phone/ipad, the easiest way is to download it, then email it to your kindle email. You can find this on Amazon, under “Your Contents and Devices” you’ll see a list of books you’ve bought through Amazon. Click on “Devices” up at the top and you’ll see a list of kindles and phones etc that have the kindle app installed. Click on the box with the “…” next to each device and you’ll see an email address for it. Just email that address with the .mobi attachment.
Alternatively, I’m sure you could transfer it with dropbox or google drive or whatever poison you use.
I just found your little camouflage girl in the background, very nice.
Hah! You’re the first! I wish I had a prize for you. :D
The eyes! So good!
are there two ? one above and to the left ? (or below to the right depending on which is the real one ?)
Two what?
yup see her back there. so when is the next one coming?
I’m working on it. No idea when at this point though.
Heh, I’ll take care of it.
Given the current virus and panic, anyone have a good list of e-books to download and read?
I read your book, and all the Tamer Series by Michael Scott Earle
Also read the Death Ship Series, but liked the Tamer better, could not get into Dragon Slayer…
Are there any other fan e-books in the Tamer series?
I’m unaware of any other fanfiction of MSE’s stuff actually.
If you haven’t checked it out, MSE’s Star Justice is my favorite series of his… Tamer being a close #2.
A fun series I’ve been binging recently is “The Valens Legacy” by Jan Stryvant.
really enjoyed the book DaveB. I did not think I was going to, but you pulled it around nicely. I’m really looking forward to seeing what Sam was put into ADX Florence for. I”m also looking forward to seeing the team coalesce. Yxlyn will be uber powerful once she gets some self-confidence.
Great! Glad you liked it!
Hi Dave, just wanted to encourage you to work on volume 2 and to say I have re-read volume 1 a couple of times and it gets better each time! I’d be happy to pay for these as they seem better than many harem stories out there.
The comic has been keeping me really busy for the last few months, but I’m a tiny bit ahead this week. Hopefully I can keep that up and find time to work on Vol. 2!
I read your fan fic, then read book one of the Tamer series. To be honest, I liked yours better. The basic concept behind Tamer is cool, but I found your characters more likable, and their actions to be more logical. Well done.
Thanks very much! The source novels are a slower burn obviously but they do get around to doing some smart stuff. :)
The setting is cool, but settings done a story make. I really like the character development in both books.
where is the link to your fanfiction i want to read it and cant find it
They’re linked in the post above. Look for the orange .mobi, .epub, and .pdf, depending on your reading preference/device.
i thought they were for the original publication
Thanks Dave,
that filled inn a few hours whilst we wait for the next Tamer book
Tamer:Enhancer is great work, Dave. In fact, I enjoyed it more than the source material after reading the first Tamer book for free. Your lead characters are more engaging and your pacing is better. I’ve always enjoyed the world building n Grrl Power, and those skills translate very well to the Enhancer writings. Would love to see what else you’ve got! Keep up the excellent work!
Thanks, I appreciate it! Working on #2 is progressing slowly. The comic is taking up a lot of time lately, but it’ll happen eventually.
I come back to the comments regularly to see if there is an update for Enhancer book two. I still cone back to it from time to time to wet my appetite.
It’s gonna happen. Be a few months at least but hopefully before the end of the year.
Spot on. I loved Enhancer. I will be reading when you get around to writing a second volume. Its like ARK with an infinitely better story line. The NSFW portions were well done, especially the first close encounter. I genuinely like all of your characters and enjoyed seeing them happy. You made them work hard enough that I am always hoping they will succeed and fearing that they wont. I would suggest that the Tamer world should in fact become like the Forgotten Realms fantasy setting and the Dragon Lance fantasy setting. Many talented authors should swim in these waters.
A part of these stories that I want to see is (if possible) how everyone returns home. And will the tribes go to one members home world, or everyone goes to their respective home, and how does everyone decide this?
I’ll be surprised if that happens in the canon story. Maybe if MSE totally wraps it up in one or two dozen novels, maybe they’ll board their abductor’s ship and take it over or something, but it’s certainly not something I’ll get around to dealing with in the fanfiction. The characters sitting around speculating about stuff like that is just a conversation they would naturally have, it’s not a setup for a bit showdown at the end. :)
How about if a survivor was their version of werewolf, would it be able to pass on the lycanthropy to others? Or would it be species specific? What are your thoughts?
I think someone would have to do some gymnastics so justify an Eye-Q ability that propagates like a virus, but I could maybe see that for the leader of an enemy tribe.
Now how to find silver? Unless the ‘wolves are a friendly pack (a few bad apples doesn’t always ruin the bunch)
Actually, in the Tamer fanfic I’m writing, one of the characters, the Prime Huntress, is a shifter. Not a werewolf, but the MC assumes she is or is of the shifter race, since those are a thing in the fantasy world he grew up in. I hope I’ll finish my book #1 in another couple months. Again, not viral lycanthropy but racial, in my book.
Hey, make sure to link that when you are done. I’m game for reading pretty much any Tamer fanfic and if you need it I’d be available for beta reading or editing as well.
Click my name in this reply, and look for “Tamer: Primal Gore”, on my AOO profile. I appreciate any and all constructive criticisms on my WIPs.
Thanks! The tamer setup does have a lot of potential. I would like to see others get in on writing fanfic. I’m… not sure I’d want to see it turn into a Kutherian Gambit sort of situation where 2 dozen authors start their own spinoff novels though. I think that would dilute the original series a bit.
I had my characters find a ledge to camp out on because I didn’t want to retread the whole base building schtick covered extremely well in the OG series, but I’m not sure how many variants you could have of the “getting secured” process, although the powers of the survivors does extend those possibilities quite a bit.
Well, we do expect some aspect of base building in the story. Shelter and food and defense are a must in a world full of dinosaurs and aliens ass holes. They have a good defensive high ground that seem to be on the edge of two zones, maybe three and have access to water at the top if the waterfall is any indication.
A great find but it’s not enough to rebuke all the animals and future ennemies. Robinson spent most of his time on the island building fences and walls after all. The MC is an engineer and crafty guy, so we expect a lot of clever building and invention to improve their lives and kill stuff. Maybe not right away because he need to gather material and make tools but there are a lot of low tech stuff he can make for survival. If you are open to suggestions, there are a few YouTube videos I could recommend.
Did you do the cover art for your e-book? If not, who did, and what did they charge…
I am not a writer (yet), but am wondering what it would take to make a “first” Science Fiction e-book…
Also, any suggestions on what tools to use, etc…
Yeah, I did the cover. I wrote it in scrivener, which has some decent features, like managing the whole book as a single unit while still being able to jump around the chapters easily. You can also set up cover material and have a folder for reference and research and stuff, but it’s bells and whistles really. I know some writers just use google documents, which makes sharing out drafts to proofreaders super simple. Actually one of my favorite things about scrivener is the fact it has an iPad version, and keeping your novel in sync with your desktop is simple if you save into dropbox. Google docs obviously syncs across devices too, but I’m not sure how it works if you do a lot of writing offline.
My tip for writing a novel is just… write a novel. I know it sounds obvious, but a lot of people never do stuff they want to because it’s somehow not the right time or they feel they’re not skilled enough. I wrote this to see if I could write a novel. Along the way I fucked up a ton of the dialog punctuation, watched a bunch of videos about how to write novels (very few of which I felt were actually useful) and googled a bunch of dinosaurs and watched some low tech survival videos.
For me, the hardest thing about writing (besides finding the time) was editing. Not just fixing all the typos and punctuation, that’s easy enough. But editing a scene into chapter 7 meant I had to edit a ton of stuff after that to make sure it wasn’t this orphaned event and that it flowed with the rest of the story naturally. And the only thing harder than writing a book was finishing a book. I wanted to keep going and come up with a 700 page opus, but I decided to cut it somewhere so I would be able to say “Yeah, I’ve written a novel.”
That is partially why the ending of this book is a tad abrupt, but I’d always planned on at least one more in the series.
Speaking of, how is progress going on that second book?
I’m finding that keeping up with the monthly nude incentives is eating into my novel writing time, but it’s coming along slowly.
Do you have nudes of your alien girls featured in your Enhancer books? The author of the Tamer series (or his other books) often add nudes and explicits pictures of the ladies in his novels.
No, but I may yet draw something like that.
Technically one is already drawn nude and the other is close to explicit.
Yeah, but the technicality doesn’t kind off reach the same effect if you get what I mean. And I am eager to see the cover of book two because we will see how the author pictures Voss or Yxlyn in greater detail. Yxlyn will be a challenge but I guess rain could maybe highlight her invisible form.
Thanks. I am reading it on .PDF and save it on my dropbox. I’m currently on page 5 out of 290 pages. Long way to go. :)
I know this sounds like a broken record, but is there an estimated release date for the second book?
It’s being worked on. I’d like to have it done by the end of the year, but we’ll see.
Looking forward to a second book. I read your first twice (and all of Tamer series books twice as well)
Any update on the new book?
Working on it. I’m worried it’s going to wind up at like 150K words. I like the “sitting around the fire chatting and learning about each other” but… I might be leaning into that a little hard. :)
150k you say? I would still read that.
But I can agree that finding a good balance between action and dialogue can be difficult in a story
Can confirm! Would definitely read 150K of a good story. Also, I’m struggling with that balance in my fanfic, as well. Goremash is a barbarian of action, but there’s so much more to his story and the women in his growing tribe. I never thought it would be this hard to balance dialogue, combat, and world building/day-to-day. This is a good exercise for me, though. Gotta grow those skills. ^_^
Wow! This is a great homage to MSE’s Tamer and you really made it your own by changing the human man’s background and power. You made him totally different than Victor in the Tamer series, yet still very relatable. The idea of different tastes preferences from physiology is also unique and I love it.
Out of curiosity has MSE commented on or read your story?
Very well done! I am looking forward to the next book.
Thanks! My goal was to write something new, so I didn’t want the “nerd to OP hero” path of the source material. Also I didn’t plan on writing a 7 book arc or anything, so I figured it was okay to start my guy off a little fitter.
MSE hasn’t commented on it, I very much doubt he’d read any fanfic of his work. I know a lot of creators don’t want to be exposed to unsolicited ideas to avoid accusations of plagiarism.
Perhaps those authors ought to define collaboration policy as is done for open source software projects, which are also significant works of written creativity.
You natural language authors don’t know what you’re missing… we have collaboration systems that let anyone edit, extend, document, comment and plan. We can track changes back to the dawn of a project, discover exactly who did what and when, undo it, redo it, auto merge it or manually merge when auto merge is impossible…
These tools are free as in beer. The repositories don’t have to be visible to the public, they can be opened to select contributors. If this interests you even slightly you can either investigate yourself or ask me.
The link to michaelscottearle.com tamer-king-of-dinosaurs needs to be updated, he re-did his web site.
FYI: The Tamer 7 kickstarter went up yesterday
Yup, and it got funded in 30 minutes. I definitely want to get my sequel out before Tamer 7.
That is great news!
Oh yeah! Double dose of Dinoland with sexy alien ladies harem.
Already pledged for my e-book!
It’s even better with ChrisB and JessT narrating. There’s some of MSE’s and other author’s books I can’t listen to, because of the narrators. I’ve never been disappointed with those two, however. What a power team. ^_^ Also, Tamer 7 is the best one, so far.
The Tamer 7 kickstarter is now just below 90K, with 24 days to go, Stretch goal #2 looking promising.
Absolutely terrible writing. I was able to stop reading for the night after only 6 chapters.
Okay, I lied. Had to stay up fro another 8-10 chapters.
Found a couple of typos … but it turned out to be that had I fallen victim to another dimension hop where they switched the spelling of homophones. slight/sleight and ford/fjord, and you had the correct one for this dimension.
The only feedback that I’d give is that the initial scene is unnecessarily tentative in its statements, and that slows down the hook. By the time he’s telling the story, he knows that it WAS sand, so phrasing as “felt like sand” merely slows the action scene. The effect could avoided by switching to describe the sensation with an accurate noun that does feel like sand … “damp grit”… thus speeding the overall scene while maintaining the momentary disorientation.
“I impacted with something that felt like sand” -> “I slammed down into damp grit.”
That sort of massaging of the first scene would help draw people into pages two and three.
Overly tentative statements bother me when I see them, so I get your complaint. The specific example you gave though, he had his eyes closed when he hit the sand.
It is something I have to watch for though, as I tend to hedge a lot when I think or write, but it can be obnoxious when a character can’t accept the world around them. “The wall seemed to be tall.” Well, come on, is it or isn’t it?
Dal: “felt like sand”, is better than “tasted like the bluish sands from a tropical island, with just a hint of coconut milk, and crab piss, slow roasting under the double suns of a Star Wars forgotten planet. Just the right amount of damp grit…”
Tamer 7 passed the brand new strech goal of 12500$ in like, a day, for détailed maps of the old and new camps.
DaveB, don’t forget to make your own maps of your story one day!
Hah, that would be funny if I included maps of the major areas in my book.
It would help with visualizing the world. You might be able to put it into the third book after more stuff has happened.
Just read it through for a second time. Well written and great story thank you.
Really hoping you have time to do a second book and a third real soon.
Tamer 7 kickstarter just passed the 100K mark, and still 10 days to go
2,810 backers
$111k and with 30 hours left on the Tamer Kickstarter
The Tamer 7 KickStarter is complete
$114,865 total (of $15,000 goal)
3,172 backers
But we didn’t get the maps. Frankly, by upping the amount to 125k he made people up their pledge while almost being certain that he wouldn’t have to do the maps bonus. It came in too late as a gimmick when he saw that he might not get to the 100k he was aiming for. That felt a bit dirty to me… but yeah, the way the pledge were soon far apart (30k, 100k and 125k) was not really good? I mean, there should be more extra content in between 30k and 100k to attract people better. It show that he is a writer and not a businessman.
Enough ranting. Eh DaveB, will we get your new book before MSE publishe hisbown like you said?
I’d really like to, but I have a sudden impetus to ensure my monthly pinups over at Patreon remain timely.
MSE said the ebook will probably drop by the end of February, and I might have the book “done” by then, as in technically complete, but it’s going to need a round of editing and I also want to do the cover.
I’d like to drop mine first just in case we use similar ideas, like with Eye-Q powers and whatnot, but eh, probably won’t happen. In any case, everyone will still get two Tamer books for the price of one, (or possibly 1 book for the price of zero if they’re not keeping up with MSE’s series) and hopefully within a few weeks of each other.
I’m really glad I didn’t up my pledge, the 20k word stretch was just 5 chapters of filler added at the beginning. I honestly thought those chapters were some of the worst MSE has written. And I read that book about the flying cop girl whatever the fuck that was. He put out a 1st chapter spoiler which was I think chapter 6, and it was great and it was pretty disappointing g going to what was published. I took me like 3 days to get through those chapters. I just had better shit to do than read that drivel. It did get better, but MSE’s entire attitude has got me thinking if I should just cut my losses with his writing.
I was trying to figure out what the heck was up with the absolutely awful and pointless opening. Thank you for this Meow. I just put the book down after skimming the first two and a half chapters and needed to walk away from it. His attitude is just … wow. I had to drop out of his Facebook group because of it. I do love Tamer (and Enhancer!) and if seven does get better, I’ll stick with it. Just, ugh to reading any more of his posts or comments … and those first few chapters of seven.
I agree with you Michael, the additional word count would have been put to better use in writing out at least some completed structure(s) at the new location. But other than the (personal opinion) useless and lazy first two chapters, book seven was a pretty good read with the Eye-Q discoveries.
I don’t care for dream sequences in any book, and if the one in T7 is some stand alone word count satisfier, then I agree the book could have done without it. If we see more dream sequences, and they build to something tangible, then, well, I still don’t like dream sequences, but at least they’ll count for something. I’m assuming it’s something like his Eye-Q computer gaining some sort of low level sentience and beginning to guide him in some way. Maybe the Eye-Q’s are some subjugate AI and it’s preparing him to fight the aliens that abducted everyone, but who knows at this point?
The only time I found dream sequences in a book that worked were in the Virals series, there were only 2 or three, and they either took up a small chapter, or small portion of a chapter.
I dunno. Goremash has vision dreams, and they help progress his journey. Sometimes they even introduce a nice narrative hook. I will agree, however, that the two-chapter dream sequence in Tamer 7 was a bit much. It could’ve been trimmed down and would likely have been more impactful. :-/
Hey, I got a question about your books. I know this is a harem genre but Tamer is also a survival/fort building genre. The problem with those two genre is that for the later the logic would dictate that there is strength in numbers but the first would normally bar any other man from getting into the MC tribe. While I don’t think Victor would refuse to accept another man into his tribe as long as the guy isn’t a typical brute/asshole but I doubt MSE will ever write that peculiar plot line, how would Sam act in such scenario?
Or perhaps what is your stance on more males in the group that surround the main protagonist?
MSE has more or less said he’s not writing any dudes into Victor’s tribe. I had considered a few ways of doing it, just for diversity of character, and it’s something I might do in a future book, but given that these characters will have relatively short arcs, I’m probably not going bother with it for Enhancer.
The easiest way to do it would be to add males that have a pon-farr thing going on, like they’re not sexual threats to the MC for years at a time, or they need a queen to trigger their mating instinct or whatever. Otherwise, the best way to deal with it is to expand the size of the tribe where other couples could pair off. The alternative is to have the usual, boring jealousy and backstabbing that comes with one gender fighting over another, infighting and just… it’s so exhausting. I know it’s how people are, but harem books are a nice break from one of the most boring, common tropes to over-infest every other piece of media.
Hmm, I am reminded of the old “classic?” S/F Enemy Mine (1985), where the alien had Asexual reproduction.
MSE had Zoru, a character who’s race has single sex, but reproduction required two participants.
Also, in the “Well of Souls” book series, I remember one race with two sexes, but it was the same individual, just they changed from one gender to the other after reaching a certain age.
There could also be more than two sexes. ie” Queen, drone and male…
So a lot of ways to handle varied sexes in a tribe.
In the without law series by Erik Vall, the main character does have a harem that was established within the first book, but they lead a full community of survivors in a post apocalyptic world, and relationships within the community are sprouting and families are expanding.
New book(s) in a week! Whooo!
Fingers crossed!
Just noticed that MSE’s address (they only list the city/state) on Kickstarter is Auston TX
Hope all is well, and no power or water issues…
Tamer 7 e-book’s are being distributed on book-funnel :)
Tamer 7 was awesome! Big exploration on what the Eye-Q powers can do and a big cliffhanger at the end. Typical M.S.E.
Great addition to the series.
Now the long wait for Tamer 8 starts…
Yep, based on how 7 ended, Victor’s going to be having a few long nights in book 8.
Hey, DaveB, in recent reveal on the mechanics of the Eye-Q powers in Tamer 7, will it affect what you were planning for your story? I say it will help a lot your main character development but it could be hard with others. Also, Urka and Nira both got bio electricity based power, so how do you plan on making them different? Not that one alien need to have the monopoly on electricity powers in the Tamer universe.
T7 won’t affect my book at all, as mine is like, 90% written, and nothing in it conflicts with the stuff in T7.
Urka can shoot her Zap like 50 feet, and can stun people, but can’t kill them. Nira can’t shoot it more than an inch (without help) but she can kill a human sized opponent with it. But yeah, they both have electric powers, there’s going to be crossover.
To DaveB, could one of the survivors in enhancer have some form of control over ice? There are some uses from an ability like it, for combat or for survival purposes.
I actually had an Ice generator in mind for the second book, but it didn’t pan out.
Are you saying that … it didn’t floe?
No, he couldn’t, let it go, enough to work
In reading Tamer 7, he mentions his old walky-talky. Now, everyone so far has had some ability / power. But I don’t remember anyone that brought “working” tech with them. So, someone could have (or find) a laser pistol, but would it have any charge? Could someones ability re-charge it?
In theory, Urka could charge the walky, and with a combination of the others, they could make additional walkies. They would need to take the first one apart to figure out how it works, but then they would have a long range communication system. As for the weapons, I think the “overlords” take away anything that is classified as a weapon that isn’t tied specifically with their ability. Take the guy with the halo disk, he could use the ring like a boomerang, but I don’t think he could use any other weapon with that ability. Like wise, Sheela is a huntress and a very good shot, but there was no indication that she arrived with a bow or spear made from her world.
Damn! That’s a good point…Now I might need to edit my fanfic. Damn! It’s not critical. The ceremonial/functional bone blade my MC has isn’t key to his survival, but it does help speed things along, early on. I removed all his usual, steel or magical armaments, but I was operating under the assumption that a bone blade might be overlooked by the builders, since it was tucked in the small of his back, under his large, ring belt. Another question I have, that MSE won’t answer, is whether magic would work in the Tamer world. Would it be magic-magic or would it be like MCU: “magic is just technology we don’t understand yet.” Hmmm…
I think that magic is classified as a phenomenon that cannot be easily explained. For those who played Halo 4, there are three times where the Didact lifts The Master Chief (who, in his armor, weighs over 1000 pounds) without touching him. While this can be explained by the lore of the forerunners that they were world builders, and could manipulate gravity, the might of their power could classify them as gods. The other example is pop cultures favorite space wizards, the Jedi from Star Wars with their manipulation of the force.
Yeah, my questions are more of “Would the overlords have missed a handmade bone blade at the small of Gore’s back, or are any/all starting weapons a no-no?” and “Would Gore have an immovable rod (heh-heh), a bag of holding, and/or a magical ring in his satchel, when he arrived?” Granted, I wanted Gore to be picked up really early in his latest reincarnation, so it’s doubtful that he would have such powerful items so early in his new adventuring life, but loot tables be crazy like that, sometimes. :-/
For the bone blade, it might have been missed depending on how it was sheathed as it might blend in with his outfit. Now starting equipment seem to depend on if it is primarily a weapon or just a tool and how useful it would be.
My premise was that the other tooth and bone ornamentation on his barbarian outfit had been left in place, as it was part of his clothing/armor. The bone blade was tucked into the small of his back, in a large belt, and underneath his travel satchel. For me, and most folks, that would be pretty well concealed, but we’re talking alien overlords, here, so… :-/
Well, halo dude kept his halo… It wouldn’t be illogical to me if the magical items were bound to Gore-bro in some way, like soul bound items in an MMORPG. That would make removing them a non-option, right?
Oh, and that would also come with the drawback of not being to loan them to others. So, pros and cons, so pretty balanced narratively speaking.
I re-read the Enhancer e-book in prep for the new one. How is it coming?
I’ll be honest, the nudie vote incentives are talking a lot of my “not working on the comic” time, but I’m going to give T:E 1 a reread to help motivate myself. I swear it’s almost done though.
I’m about to do a reread of TE1 and Tamer 1-7, just to see if I’m missing anything and get revved back up to finish what I’ve started with mine. Hope you get that second wind. Really enjoyed TE1 (and GrrlPower, ofc). Keep up the great work!
You make great Blue Alien Woman designs. I hope in one of your future books there will be one Deltra
Like Deltra. (Stupid autocorect)
Would it be possible to add a Patreon single donation button? So people can “donate” $5 specifically towards your Tamer Enhancer to show appreciation for the book?
I finally finished this book, after catching up with the Tamer series. You and MSE have inspired me to write my own fanfic on this. I hope you’ll enjoy it, but REALLY hope you’ll make a book 2. I wanna know more about Sam and what’s coming next! Please?! I’ll give you all the quatloos!
The Enhancer sequel is my currently most anticipated book. I watch these comments daily hoping for news.
You could check out my Tamer fanfic WIP, if you like. Click my name and look for “Tamer: Primal Gore”.
I don’t see the Tamer series as primarily a “gore” story. I see it as alien (biological and psychologically) interactions, in the settings of a very dangerous location. Like being randomly dropped into an episode of “Naked and Afraid”, with some nightmare monsters, some of which are attractive female monsters. Of course, being eaten by a dinosaur, or being attacked by a psychopath warrior does add an unavoidable “gore” element.
I remember the basic “story plot” elements: “Man vs Nature”, “Man vs Woman”, “Man vs Technology”, “Man vs society”, “Man vs man”, “Man vs himself”. This hits a lot of these.
Who said it’s “gory”? Tamer is mainly a survival/harem sci-fi, w/ dinos. It’s basically Ark, but with an actual story, instead of just a survival sandbox and lots of dinos. Sure, there’s violence and bloody deaths (dinos & assholes) aplenty, but I wouldn’t consider it “gory” either. Just curious what brought that up. :-/
Err, your fan-flic title, “Primal Gore”…
I went to your link, and started on the first chapter, but the title was too “unsettling”.
I stopped reading before page two…
The Enhancer book is one of my all time favorites, two characters that obviously want to fuck like rabbits from the first meeting, but are too busy trying to survive finding themselves unexpectedly low on the food chain.
Sorry, Dave C, I meant to reply directly to your comment, but it looks like the site posted my reply as a separate thread…that or my browser isn’t loading the comments properly. Dunno, but my full comment should be listed below.
“Goremash” is the character’s name, because he’s a Half-Orc barbarian. Friends call him “Gore” for short. His ability is called “Primal”, hence the title “Primal Gore”. I guess I could go with “Primal Rage”, but I’d be worried about copyright infringement (don’t really know how all that works) with the Primal Rage videogame IP. Again, don’t know how that works, so I wanted to stear clear of it. “Primal Rage” would fit, since the MC is a brutal barbarian, with a good heart, but also “Primal Gore” fits, because his ability is “Primal” and his name is “Gore”. Sorry for any confusion. 
I think we’re getting off topic, however. Tamer: Enhancer is the bomb, and I can’t wait for book 2! My attempt at a fanfic is tertiary, at best. I sincerely appreciate DaveB’s feedback and help to smooth out some of the rough patches.
Dave, seriously, thanks a ton! Our conversations have been enlightening and very helpful. I can’t wait to read TE2!