Tamer: Enhancer
I wrote a book!

It has nothing whatsoever to do with Grrl Power. It’s actually Tamer fanfic. Hopefully that’s obvious from the cover there.
I’ve never written a book before, so I decided to see if I could. I’ve dabbled in prose before, like a lot of you, I’m sure, but never actually finished anything. I figured that using an established universe would make the process a bit easier. Actually I found writing quite enjoyable, editing is the hard part.
Please let me know what you think! Pacing, wordsmithing, characters, all that good stuff. I’m amenable to all constructive feedback. Feel free to leave comments here, but please be mindful of spoilers if you do. You can also email me at grrlpowercomic@gmail.
FYI – There are sex scenes in the book (spoilers, I guess.) Not a lot, but they don’t fade to black. Well, some are more terse than others. I would describe them as explicit, but not gratuitous, but those are obviously relative terms. If you’ve survived MSE sex scenes you’ll be fine.
Tamer: King of Dinosaurs is by Michael-Scott Earle. I’ve linked it several times in the past. The first book is free if you’ve never checked it out, but you don’t need to be familiar with Tamer to read my story.
Obviously, “Tamer: King of Dinosaurs” is Michael-Scott Earle’s IP and my fan work is by a fan for fans, and certainly not intended to infringe in any way.
Download the format of your choice here.
- Tamer: Enhancer – mobi for kindles
- Tamer Enhancer – epub for everything else
- Tamer Enhancer – PDF if you like.
- 02/03/2020 – The book’s been updated with a ton of edits and fixes.
- 02/16/2020 – Even more fixes.
Book 2 is out! Check it out here!
For those of you unsure of how to get a .mobi file onto your Kindle or Kindle app on your phone/ipad, the easiest way is to download it, then email it to your kindle email. You can find this on Amazon, under “Your Contents and Devices” you’ll see a list of books you’ve bought through Amazon. Click on “Devices” up at the top and you’ll see a list of kindles and phones etc that have the kindle app installed. Click on the box with the “…” next to each device and you’ll see an email address for it. Just email that address with the .mobi attachment.
Alternatively, I’m sure you could transfer it with dropbox or google drive or whatever poison you use.
Don’t be so judgey sydney she might have bad knees or prosthetic legs
I think you’re in the wrong corner of the map, bub. Here there be dinosaurs…and babes. ;-)
… and superheros (or supervillains), as they all have some ability or power of super-skill…
NGL, would be pretty hilarious if DaveB’s OC, Sam, would mention the fact that all the women of Tamerverse seem to be well-built, super attractive wonder women, and that it reminds him “of this wacky webcomic I used to read, about a foul-mouthed nerdy girl and her induction into a government agency of superheroes, aliens, and mystical beings and their combined adventures across the universe.” Gotta love nods to an author’s own works in a galaxy far-far away. ;-)
ROTFLOL! That would be awesome!
Reminds me of something funny. Marvel and DC are apparently in-universe comic books in each other’s universes.
Probably why most civvies during Marvel vs DC didn’t freak out all that much when they mixed. Course, then again, shit like that happens most Tuesdays in both universes.
How’s the second book coming? The first one was so good!
Progress has slowed since I started doing the monthly nudie incentives, but I’m so close to being finished! I think. This book might wind up being a bit longer than the first cause I want a bunch of stuff to happen in the last few chapters, but we’ll see.
Close to being finished is fantastic to hear! Still my most anticipated upcoming read.
100% agree! It’s weird, but a fanfic has become my new favorite, even more so than the original that spawned it. Don’t get me wrong. I love MSE’s Tamerverse, but I REALLY like Sam and his quirky ladies. I can’t wait to learn more about Sam, and why he was in lockup. Also, I’m gonna reinforce an earlier post: I’d read the hell outta 150K words, if it’s TE2. ;-)
I agree, Enhancer has some Elements I like better than in the original Tamer series.
To bad we don’t have a like button to show how many people agree with this comment thread.
Great!!!! I check the site almost every day, hoping for new news. Looking forward to the next chapter :)…
I can confirm that you are not alone in this regard.
LFTTNC “Looking Forward To The Next Chapter”
TE2 soon-soon-soon-soon-SOOOOON!!! ^_^ Just trying to keep the hype going. ;-)
So excited for the new novel! And the new character is perfect. Blue, sexy and more ‘alien looking’ than M.S.E. Tamer girls without going into uncanny valleys territory. Can’t wait to meet her.
I obsessively check this post for new comments hoping each time that the next leap will be the leap home. No, wait. That’s a totally different thing.
Here’s something that kind of blew my mind.
The skeletal structure of a Tyrannosaurus Rex’s arms are very similar to the structure of an ostrich’s wing. And there is a theory that the Rex also had some form of feathers.
What are your thoughts about this information?
Colorful dinosaurs are awesome and giant feathers probably make for a great pillows and mattresses for the main characters to sleep on with his tribe of sexy alien women. Cave floors with an extra helping of gravel isn’t good for the back and hypothermia.
Good thing that in the next volume, the characters will probably start to make a more permanent shelter.
And what are your thoughts on the fact that Dinosaurs probably didn’t roar like in the movies but honked like duck and geese?
With the size of some of the bigger dinos, the sounds they made probably were deep enough and loud enough to be considered roars.
I was in a pet shop many years ago, and heard a Parrot “roar”. The sound stopped everyone in their tracks. Instantly everyone knew that there is something above you on the food pyramid. Whatever a dinosaur roar actually sounds like, what it inspires is abject terror!
I am eagerly awaiting the new Tamer Enhancer book, but also the cover art. DaveB’s artwork is very impressive. Has he done any other cover art for different writers?
Any news on Book 2?
Posted alongside the last few comics.
Ah, ty. Just read the first book. Few spelling mistakes, but pretty damn good for your first outing writing a novel.
Thanks! I enjoyed writing it, and spelling good is my sporshalty!
Do hope the second book is out soon, but I might be a bit biased there. I have have a thing for Gals with extras, so Xerxa showing up’ll be interesting. You can probably guess who got me to stick around reading Grrlpower in the first place now. Well, her and Anvil. I do like tall gals with amazonian builds.
Let’s be real here, what guy wouldn’t like an amazon?
Guys who think a woman taller and stronger than them somehow makes them less masculine.
Course, those guys tend to also be assholes and possibly rapists. Can’t really “control” a woman when she can break your spine. And tearing her down emotionally wouldn’t work that well when she can embed you in a wall either. I mean, it could still happen, but it’s unlikely.
Let me rephrase my question, what real man doesn’t like a woman who has a good amount of muscle mass?
‘On an entirely unrelated note, I don’t like that “Isekai” has become the official term for “Hero from another world.”’
Then don’t use it. It’s only “official” if people keep it in circulation. If enough if us boycott (or simply ignore) it, it will die off.
Don’t signal boost when it’s a bad signal.
That actually reminds me that Mark Twain once had a bet with a friend that he couldn’t get a new word into common parlance in a few months, for about ten grand.
Mark managed to get the word “Ecdysiast” into use, and won the bet (it’s a classy way of saying Stripper).
eagerly awaiting TE:2 :)…
I wonder if this whole part is something dabbler is making up. Like an elaborate prank. It doesn’t really mesh with other characters that have been introduced
This is separate from the comic. It’s a side project Dave’s working on.
Which you’d know if you actually were fucking literate and took the time to read the description.
Has to be the parents will we get to meet the people that brought our main protagonist’s family at last? lol
You might wanna comment on the actual comic. This is the side page for Dave’s Tamer Fanfic.
Here there be dinosaurs. And alien babes.
My guy! ;-) And soon! Sooooon! ^_^
Soon… TE-2 Wondering what the new character(s) will be and how they all grow…
@DaveB: If you want another Spell/Grammar checker, toss a copy at my email as well.
I can do a spell grammar check, on my second read pass (yeah, the first pass would just be to enjoy the story)
So second pass starting 2-3 days after I receive it :)…
Yo! Definitely volunteer, right here! ^_^
I like the narrative, pace and the banter. I just dont get why the first girl is a dolphin woman. Thats more like 4th girl material.
just want to let you know that your links (both mobi and epub) have been blocked by bit.ly as containing malware.
Maybe using url-shorteners was wrong – whenever somebody did it. ever.
I’ve removed the bit.ly links. Dropbox doesn’t have functionality allowing you to track downloads so I was using bit.ly for that.
I’m about halfway through your first book and I think your writing is probably better than MSE’s. Nira and Yxlin feel more real than most of the women in the Tamer series. And great sex scenes too!
@DaveB I finished the book 1 today and I want to say something. THAT. WAS. AMAZING.
I loved it. It scratched the Tamer itch, while I wait for the next book (which is out but not available to me).
But the first thought I had while reading it – You’re really putting that English major degree to work (which might not be accurate, but that’s what I thought)
I’ve broadened my knowledge with words or usage of words, that I’ve never encountered or seen written before. Like “Ventral”, “Modicum”, using “Interstellar” as an adjective XD.
I was going to come back here and say “PLEASE WRITE MORE” and then I noticed that the second book IS out.
I can assume that Sam read a lot while he had 23 hours of free time, but he’s quite sharp. I wonder if there is more of his backstory in the second book – I’m going to read it now.
Thank you!