Grrl Power #72 – Punk Busted
Maxima’s oh so mature disciplinary action here, as has been pointed out in some of the previous comments, isn’t something she’s allowed to do – good news for anyone in any of the services in the real world obviously. This probably isn’t over for either of them but we’ll get to that later.
So Harem has one mind for (up to) 5 bodies. There’s a little confusion over how that works, and while she can do disparate things, reading 5 different books at once or eat, exercise, watch TV, etc, there is a sensation threshold at which something happening to one body will spill over to the others. Knocking her funnybone, even getting tickled, hearing a really funny joke, or any number of other situations. I’m sure you can think of plenty, and I’m sure we’ll be seeing many of those over the course of the comic. Getting flashbanged would be interesting, while it would blind and deafen one of them and disorient them all, it wouldn’t blind of deafen the rest of them (assuming they were out of range) If she saw herself get flashbanged, through a strong window or something, the observing one could spot for the blind one, although from 3rd person she’d lose a considerable amount of coordination.
Oh also, new month, new year and all, if you’re so inclined, give me a vote at I’ll try and have a vote incentive ready in time for the next comic, but, you know, vote for this one too. :)
I can hardly wait for Monday to roll around (one the few good things about Monday mornings) to find out what’s next on tap for our crew. Do we switch back to Sydney, continue with the fallout at the base, or… does Dave have some new plots brewing on the burner?
This is the first webcomic I go to on Monday morning, for the page and the comments. It is too much fun not to do otherwise.
Don’t forget the drones too. You can find many of their on the Internet. It would certainly help such a small force in relation to recon and even backup. I know, I know. they don’t have backup or more correctly they are their own backup. It would be something serious indeed if the military would have to be called in on something the ARCSWAT was sent in for.
That, sir, is a wedgie worthy of Gold Digger.
I noticed one of the Harem’s eating, and it got me to thinking…
Now, I’m assuming all of Harem’s bodies have to eat individually, since they each consume energy, but what happens when she “unspawns” one of her bodies? Does it get re-spawned more hungry than it was when de-spawned (ie. extra-dimensional storage with passage of time for unused bodies) or does time the body literally stop existing? If it does, and she carries objects “out” with a body, that leads to a ridiculous amount of energy being destroyed in the form of the object’s mass (Yay Special Relativity…) The idea of her creating and destroying a massive nuclear bomb worth of energy every time she un-spawns a copy kind of bugs me (seems like it would have some side effects, but to tired to think it through at present) but the moving into a storage dimension has the unfortunate possibility of a Harem body starving to death while un-spawned….
And the fact I think the above upon seeing a character eat a sandwich probably says something about my sanity at the moment. Ahh, well. 4am… way passed time to sleep… brains work strangely.
Good question. Three word answer – Comic Book Physics.
you would be surprised how much energy a mind can hold especialy esper/mage types, anyway shouldn’t the source of the energy/mass for the creation of 4 never before existing bodys be the greater physics issue. I have to wonder how does she determin how soon the bodies should get hungry as she would have to create them with nutrient supplies to absorb or they would be hungry from the get go. problems of biology for creating/existing bodies are greater than the where do they go.
To me the only way they could do what they do is that they are obtaining lots of energy from outside their bodies. Then channel it through them and manipulate it with their own powers. Plenty of radiated energy just no good way to tap it.
Not that again…
Anyway describing a human as a nuclear weapon is a clear indicator for someone putting to much stock into Einstein.
Never forget: The only things that outed him as really smart were his sentences:
“I never thought others would put so much more stock into my gibberish than I am”
“That´s my theory, if anyone has a better idea, out with it”
Paraphrased of course, since he was German.
Anyway since he had no hadron colliders to prove his theories, they were all based in his view of the world, witch was, lets face it, “so last century (or even millenium)”.
Anyone with a working knowledge of simple logic has “a better idea” of some of his theories.
I know I do.
So “destroying” one of Harems bodys would simply be a purple blink and the word “vorp” as she would disintegrate without reappearing in any destination.
If that were different, she would lay waste to every 5-mile-radius she teleports from, since her Body has to be disintegrated everytime she uses her powers, regardless if she appears in a different location or not.
I just want to say that this is one of my favorite comic pages ever. Every panel is hilarious except maybe the one with the boot.
Thanks! Now to design some funny boots…
Dave, you’ll have to put up some pictures of all of Harem’s forms, plus what they’re referred to as, since I’ve only spotted 4 of them, and I can’t work out which one is supposed to be which
Yeah I need to do a big update to the cast page which includes that.
So, this may sound a bit…
But I feel I have to ask, as it might make you think of something funny for later. You said that certain ‘sensation thresholds’ exist for Harem’s separate bodies, and that pain is one of them, along with disorientation, but not ones which are directly related to the 5 senses (well, maybe more, in her case).
Does this same type of threshold exist for *ahem* pleasure, as well? Cuz if it does, and one of them is “busy” while another one is doing something that requires concentration, it could lead to some rather amusing shenanigans.
That makes me wonder. What exactly is Harem’s…maximum range, so to speak? Is there a limit as to how far away her various bodies can be from each other or can she just be anywhere?
I haven’t quite worked it all out yet. She has a limit to how far she can teleport outbound, but she can function at extreme range, and recall to any of her other locations from any range.
Does Harem have any limits as to how far away her bodies can be from each other, or can they be just anywhere?
Just realized this, but the black chick having lunch with Goth Harem has a team collar, so will we ever get to meet her? And I’m hoping there will be some lovely male beefcake eventually for us ladies…?
Yes and yes.
Beefcake has now arrived, on page #112.
(Somehow I ended up on this page and read that last comment just as I read #112 :)
Love the diablo reference
I think you forgot Maxima’s choker in the 4th panel!!!
Whoops, didn’t color it in.
for the reccord. i love the commentaries on the TV screen. really nice touch ^_^. subtle but when you see it( cough*after reading the whole comic for the 5th time cough*) it really brighens your day and you chuckle silently cuz you don`t wanna be found readin webcomics at work :p
in short. nice touch ^_^
Thanks! Those are the sorts of jokes that might not happen if I had an editor or a separate writer. As I’m doing the art for the page I see space on the page that should have something there and keep adding jokes. Of course in this case it turns out to be one of the best things about the page. :)
We have all ignored the massive point here… An that is the hilarity of giving one Harem a wedgie leading to a huge chain reaction of Harems everywhere crashing into things and expanding the pain. :D
The rest of the comic is so funny I almost missed the “Please make this girl stop cursing….”
Love the detail.
Thanks :)
Max’s hair in the fourth panel is probably why she wears a hat.
“Please make this girl stop cursing
I feel like I’m playing Diabolo with the censor button.”
OMG!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! lol, hilarious, it gets funnier every time i read it!
Always thought Abbey in panel 9 was flashing `Wart, but then was wondering what she was grabbing hold of: only just nw realised she is grabbing her leg (in an awkward position) and the skirt is flaring out not up (pretty much not showing him anything)
Couple more things come to mind:
# Bodie is wearing her regulation uniform, which means Maxi would have had to pull her trousers down a bit to enable her to grab the thong/g-string (are those even regulation? o_O)
# we don’t really see Blondini’s reaction to the Maximum-Atomic Wedgie (Blondini was the actual Harem who pulled the prank), and pretty sure the one in panel 6 is Berry (the one who *vorp*ed in panels 1 & 3)
# panel 6 shows that Harem can be affected even while in mid-*vorp*
# this appears to be the first appearances of both Stalwart and Jiggawatt
Hahaha, rereading some old comics, I LOVE Maxima’s faces in this one. They are all perfect!
Damn you, Dave! It HURTS to laugh that hard!
I guess this is before Jiggawatt dyed her hair blonde? :)
So I just was wondering if anyone pointed out that may be vehemence (or someone who looks like him?) in panel 9. Also white hair instead of strawberry blonde? Interesting.
That’s Stalwart.
I find it a little strange that the one Harem copy with hair that is within regulations is not the one in uniform.
I did not notice it before, but the little detail in the background showing that Sydney is swearing a lot is priceless.
It could have been worse for Harem ~ imagine if it were possible for ovaries (aka: female gonads) to be suspended from the vulva (female [primate?] genitalia) instead of somewhere between the hips.
I have an interesting question, now that we see all five of the Harems. What is her original hair color?
I mean, it’s obviously not pink or purple. White is extremely unlikely given her age. That means that she’s either got blonde hair, black hair, or all five of them dyed their hair a different color, which would make her a brunette or a redhead.
I know it’s a bit of a tangent, not really related to the story, but I can’t help it. Harem is easily my favorite character.
Schrodinger’s wedgie.
this comic is hilarious. this episode (or whatever you call it) really stands out.
So unless I am mistaken, panel 9 would be the first time we see deus then yeah?
I believe you’re mistaken, Immortal.
That looks more like Stalwart than Deus.
Nah that’s deus. We know this harem was working with deus.
Nah, that is deus. We know this because it’s confirmed that harem was (is?) working with deus.
No that’s Stalwart. Deus has a big X shaped scar on his face.
er my apologies. so this would be a cameo for stalwart then before his dramatic reveal. Now I’m curious what…is co-ed the name of this harem? Is doing with stalwart lol.
Not a cameo, just… hanging out in the background. I really should have a more populated base with people milling around behind the main characters, but it adds a lot of time to the art.
I mean I called it a cameo because at this point he’s a named character appearing before he’s properly introduced really that’s all lol.
That is a novel definition of the word “cameo”.
This is one of my favourite single-page scenes.