No, she’s an Alari P.A! Sciona is an ancient-ish bloodmage who has proven ridiculously hard to kill in the past, and she does look down on nearly everyone. BUT – there’s no chance an adult Alari doesn’t have a stiletto or a boot knife or one of those switchblade knives that comes out of the toe of their sole or heel or some sort of space derringer on them. Well maybe not alari serfs and peasants. But anyone in a house echelon would probably be armed in some way. That doesn’t automatically mean they’re especially dangerous. It’s a lot like Japanese kids learning martial arts in middle-school. They’re probably better equipped to throw a simple punch than the average western citizen, but it hardly guarantees they’re an expert.

That said… I would bet Lorlara is above average at some form of self-defense. Or… other-offence. Not “challenge an ancient-ish bloodmage” good, probably, but hardly helpless under normal circumstances.

Telling a woman like Sciona that landing her in your bed is a cinch is a sure fire way to ensure she never goes near you again. Unless she thinks that’s what you wanted to happen! The poison is in your cup! My cup! Your cup!

If Deus is as he says and operates 37 steps ahead of everyone else, being surprised is probably genuinely shocking for him. It’s got to be like One Punch Man looking for a challenging fight. The only thing someone like that is going to be surprised by is stuff that’s so wildly improbable as to be reasonably dismissed as impossible. But then a stoat DOES wind up becoming the King of Tuvalu and invades Madagascar to free all his fellow mustelaids from “bondage” by mutating Sooty Terns into roc-sized bomb payload delivery systems, but not using them to deliver bombs, like everyone prepared and budgeted for, but instead has them clog up major ports to hold the world economy hostage.

There’s predictable, and then there’s actionable. There are, in fact, not infinite resources and time to prepare for all eventualities.

The new vote incentive is up! (Finally.)

I’m revisiting a panel from a recent page, but I included some comic reactions and a few outfit swaps, so hopefully you all enjoy it. I also plussed up the art from the comic version a bit, though I suspect that despite the time I spent on that, not a whole lot of people would immediately notice that, so I’m gratuitously pointing it out here.


Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.