Grrl Power #1324 – Were’s there brown hare
Sydney’s never more ADHD than when she gets to question supers/weres/mages/cryptids/aliens about themselves. I would say any non-human, but supers are human, and if she found herself trapped in a room with an honest to god ninja he might wind up trying to use the ancient “Chew-Through-a-Wall Jutsu” to escape.
If she was on a blind date with someone who turned out to be an alien cyborg demon mage, (who wasn’t Dabbler) they wouldn’t be able to accuse her of not showing an interest. Of course it would really be more of a general “what’s your people’s deal” interest than “what’s your deal.” At least at first. Someone could pivot her to a personal tale of what it was like fighting in the Demon Foreign Legion.
When weres first transform, it’s usually a very Stan Winston-esque biological thing with a lot of stretching bones and rolling around on the floor while the magic “in-betweens” the human body with the hybrid one. It would normally be rather unpleasant or downright painful, but the lycanthropy symbiote virus will flood the brain with magical serotonin, dopamine, and lycotophine, which I totally just made up, but let’s just pretend it makes the new were all beast happy and instinctual for a while. (Shifting during sex is definitely a thing.) They’re usually stuck like that for a while, and some don’t even notice while they gradually transition to full beast form, caught up in all the new sensations and instincts and sounds and scents they experience.
Slam is a Patreon camo character. More about her on the next page, as you might imagine.
The new vote incentive is up! (Finally.)
I’m revisiting a panel from a recent page, but I included some comic reactions and a few outfit swaps, so hopefully you all enjoy it. I also plussed up the art from the comic version a bit, though I suspect that despite the time I spent on that, not a whole lot of people would immediately notice that, so I’m gratuitously pointing it out here.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
She seems a little sad about the lack of real world consequences, although to be fair so would most all of us.
So… Slam and Peggy in the future?
Also, whatever Slam’s wereform is, it’s going to be so awesome that Sydney won’t know to have a heart attack, stroke or aneurysm from excitement.
Probably all three.
By the name, ‘Slam’, I’m guessing… were-salamander? Probably completely off-base.
Werewalrus? What else slams… some birds do sumo for dominance.
Sydney in DaveB’s explanation reminds me of Kender from Dragonlance.
They’re just as curious to an ADHD degree (on top of being subconscious kleptomaniacs). In fact they’re so curious that one interrogation/torture technique is to lock a subject in a bare room with a bored Kender.
I can’t wait to see the Sydney version of this.
We saw the baddies accidentally subject themselves to something arguably similar when they kidnapped Syd and gave her a truth serum.
“Enfuzzen.” Hee hee.
Also, bunny butt.
‘Are there were-giraffes?’
Well, I remember Were-Giraffe by Night mentioned in volume 2…
So it’s likely they exist.
There was one in One Piece, as well. Don’t ask me to look up his name – wait I just did, it was Kaku.
So, did Kat call Sydney a tater, that is a potato? Seems a strange thing to call someone even if she found Sydney a bit irriTATING.
You never realized how good potatoes are at asking questions, did you?
So…where is that girder supposed to be going before you got distracted, Sydney?
Or am I being a bit obtu(ber)se?
Here’s a question for ya: would a super get immensely stronger as were? Just a small boost? Maybe weaker?
Bit of a scene transition. What are they doing here? Is this still the dungeon creation site?
Shouldn’t a female werewolf should be called a wifwolf?
You’re being rude, Syd. Go ask the were-elephant if he can catch musth.
The secret handshake is a legend about Freemassons the masonic handshake is more myth than a sing of appartenance nowadays …
And freemasson are divided the The Grand Orient de France (GODF) is the “mother lodge” of Continental Freemasonry.
Continental Freemasonry, otherwise known as Liberal Freemasonry, Latin Freemasonry,and Adogmatic Freemason …
It’s the schism of 1877 when the GOdF changed its constitutions to allow for complete religious “laïcité”. While the Anglo-American tradition had long required candidates to acknowledge a belief in deity, the GOdF removed that requirement, stating that laïcité “imposes that all men are given, without distinction of class, origin or denomination, the means to be themselves, to have the freedom of choice, to be responsible for their own maturity and masters of their destiny.”In sum, the GOdF would admit atheists, while the lodges in the Anglo-American tradition would not.
The difference was not limited to the requirement in belief. Following the 1877 changes, the Grand Orient also removed all references to the Grand Architect of the Universe from its rite, and removed the Volume of the Sacred Law (which in France was the Bible) from its ritual.
Another difference between Continental and Anglo-American Freemasonry is that political discussion is allowed in Lodges following the Continental tradition, while it is strictly banned in the Anglo-American tradition.
Continental Freemasonry has been concentrated in traditionally Catholic countries and has been seen by Catholic critics as an outlet for anti-Catholic disaffection. Many particularly anti-clerical regimes in traditionally Catholic countries were perceived as having strong Masonic connections.
Mexican Freemasonry was also seen as following the pattern of Continental Freemasonry in other Latin-speaking countries, viewed as becoming more anti-clerical during the nineteenth century, particularly because they adopted the Scottish Rite degree system created by Albert Pike, which the Catholic Church saw as anti-clerical.
Freemasons attached to the more mainstream branch of Freemasonry, affiliated with the United Grand Lodge of England and the 51 US Grand Lodges, have often claimed that the anticlericalism of the Continental Branch of Freemasonry is a “deviation” from proper Freemasonry.
Within the United States of America there are scattered Masonic Orders and Grand Lodges, such as the George Washington Union (GWU), and Le Droit Humain, that belong to the Continental or Progressive Universal Tradition. The Women’s Grand Lodge Of Belgium (GLFB or WGLB), and the Feminine Grand Lodge of France[36] also have liberal lodges in North America.
Even in discret societies , there is a lot of variation… Freemasons are diverse and in latin countries fremason use the “tu” and not the “usted” or “vous” formal you to adress others.
Love the Empowered reference.
? Missed that
Useless trivia: there is no such thing as a “lady were” because of Old English. Let me elaborate:
A werewolf is always male, because “werewolf” means “male manwolf”. “Man” used to be the gender-neutral term for people; a male man is a werman, and a female man, a wifman (which is where “woman” comes from btw).
So the word for a female manwolf is “wifwolf”.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Are were-creatures all from mammalian stock, or can you get were-crabs… uh, actually, scratch tha… oh for…
CHANGING the subject rapidly, if were-beings are indeed only mammalian, can you get were-whales or were-seals – or is that we would call a selkie?
Hmmm – could you get were-bats? I imagine the confusion with the vampire side of things could get confusing.
Slam appears to be out of her element if she is truly a “camo”.
Perhaps she’s actually a cameo? :-)
Is Katrina from Boston / New England area? Interesting seeing the Celtics players in your style Dave
Imagining were-creations NOT from mammalian stock . . . Were-Tortoises probably wouldn’t be very successful at expanding their domain through turning others into were-tortoises–just too slow. Were-snakes . . . would turn into . . . what? Were-fish turning into other, larger, more aggressive fish? Like were-sharks? I can imagine larger, more aggressive were-birds, but if a Goldfinch “goes Were”, do you get a Golden Eagle with rabies? Or just a slightly larger Goldfinch that even more annoying? Were-amoebae? Were-cows seems funny–right up until an angry one is chasing you with longhorns facing forward with barbs. Were-snakes came to mind, but morphing towards a hairy mammal . . . turning a boa constrictor into the boa worn by strippers–but with a penchant for biting to transfer the “were” organism/germ/whatever over to said strippers . . . who’d be turned into . . . what?
“No, no, you don’t understand, it was absolutely necessary and entirely artistically justified for me to draw a panel straight out of a bad porno for a cheap throaway joke.”
I’m pretty sure Kat isn’t a good source on the heat thing anyway, since rabbits (and I think jackrabbits/hares too) don’t have a heat cycle like a lot of mammals do…
I think you mean Rick Baker, not Stan Winston. Rick did “An American Werewolf in London.” Stan Winston is famous for “The Thing.”
Gosh, I wonder if this new character is gay. Dave is just so subtle about this things, we may never know.
Would Sydney as a Were be able to use the orbs in Were Form?
No reason to think she couldn’t. Her paws would still basically be her hands…But then, they’re paws now?
But what if she was a were-chimp? She’d still have hands then.