After I drew this page I realized Peggy’s fishing lure would probably have worked a lot better if she’d tied it just below the pommel.

This flashback involve a dirty Peggy wearing desert camo laying on the desert ground and it’s all in a shadow, so naturally it looks really murky. I’m not sure what the solution for that is besides just taking some liberties with the lighting situation. I guess as long as you guys can tell what’s happening it’s fine, but I’d prefer having higher contrast personally.

I have no idea how well sound travels around a moderately rockey bit of desert. On the next page you see that the crash happened near the foot of a valley of sorts, which could help channel the sound I guess. All that’s to say, if I had been 20 feet from an exploding RPG / tail rotor, and the subsequent crash, all of which I would assume would occur at a relatively high decibel level, it seems like that truck vroom vroom might be closer than she thinks. But I’ve never been thrown out of a helicopter because of how much it was rolling. But maybe she was out long enough for the flashbanh whine to fade.

Speaking of which, I think all TVs should come with a mandatory “Flashbang Whine” mute button. All it would do it mute that range of sound. Or just limit the volume to 1/8th the regular volume. It’s so common in shows, like that’s the only sound the gaffers are allowed to use after an explosion? It doesn’t bother me that severely (though the worse my tinnitus gets, the more obnoxious it becomes) but it borderline triggers migraines in the wife. Sure, a couple of kids start flopping around from flashing pokemon lights and now every show and video game comes with a warning, but trigger a few migraines with your squealing audioscape, and no one cares. At least until someone rages out and goes on an axe murdering spree because of it. Which isn’t likely, as having a migraine isn’t conducive to exerting yourself or leaving the house. I’m told. I’ve never had one, but if they’re half as bad as my wife describes, I definitely would have killed myself or someone else long ago.

The new vote incentive is up!

Dabbler went somewhere tropical, in a very small bikini. As you might guess, it doesn’t stay on for long, which of course, you can see over at Patreon. Also she has an incident with “lotion,” and there’s a bonus comic page as well.



Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.