We cut away from the fight since it’s not going to be, as at least one reader complained, a 30-episode chocked-full of flashback Naruto style fight. Honestly I tried to watch Naruto once upon a time, and I just couldn’t hang in for fights that legit lasted 5 episodes due to all the training flashbacks to justify all the ninja powers. Like, they’re teenage ninjas in an anime. You don’t have to convince me that they’ve earned their powers. Just show me the fight. I think I lost interest before finishing a single season.

Instead we cut to Sciona’s after work prowling. If that is indeed what she’s doing. Which it is.

Oh, and can I just say, a destination wedding in Cabo? Fuck you, Ian and Clara, unless Ian invented some obscure piece of software that no one’s heard about but is critical for back-end inter-bank fungible exchange transactions blah blah blah  compounding crypto tariffs blah blah econobabble etc., and is one of those low-key millionaires and thusly paid for everyone’s flights and accomodations, in which case, well done Clara. And Ian also, obviously. But mostly Clara. The other possibility is that this friend group all somehow are in the mid to high six-figure income range, and dropping a few grand out of the blue is truly no big deal. But still, you know they have that one friend who is doing okay… but not that okay, and made it to the wedding on the back of credit cards and took heavy advantage of the complimentary breakfast bar by loading his pockets with toast and packets of jam and a ziplock back of scrambled eggs that he rationed out by cutting a tiny corner off the bag and squeezing it into his mouth like an icing piping bag?

Can you tell my original script about the trip to Cabo was like, 400% longer than what appears on this page and it took me about 8x longer to edit it down to something manageable than it did to write it?

The new vote incentive is up!

It’s Escorpia/Sciona, fresh off her successful… extortion campaign? I’m not sure if extortion is the right word. Addicting someone to superpowered narcotics then withholding to compel directed behavior? Kind of a ransom/extortion/generally being a butt kind of thing. There’s probably a better word for that. Anyway, check out Sciona’s business casual getup at TWC, and Patreon has a bunch of… let’s call them increasingly casual variants.

Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.