Not the most surprising turn of events, admittedly.

Math was like “let me look at some anatomy charts for youse guys so I don’t accidentally explode your appendoid, or your vom deference, or your pancreatic couscous , or your cumulonimbus duodenum, or your exoprostate, or your tarsal areala.

But in fact he was looking for exactly the sorts of things martial artists might like to jab their one-finger push-up fingers.

And if you’re wondering why Cora’s maliens aren’t ganging up on Math, that will become relevant in a page or two. Or… three? Soon.

I think I’ve been overdoing the speedlines, so I pulled back on this page. Arguably too much? I’ll find the formula just as this sequence is coming to a close, and then forget everything I’ve learned by the time the next action scene rolls around.

The new vote incentive is up!

It’s Escorpia/Sciona, fresh off her successful… extortion campaign? I’m not sure if extortion is the right word. Addicting someone to superpowered narcotics then withholding to compel directed behavior? Kind of a ransom/extortion/generally being a butt kind of thing. There’s probably a better word for that. Anyway, check out Sciona’s business casual getup at TWC, and Patreon has a bunch of… let’s call them increasingly casual variants.

Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.