Grrl Power #1218 – On your marks, get set, SUCC!
I think Sydney needs her afternoon dose of brain work good drugs. I wonder if adderall would give a +1 to Intuition or Wisdom checks. I mean… probably, right? Memory checks, too. Even initiative. Well, really, it would temporarily negate the negative effects of the “ADHD Affliction.”
If border disputes could be solved with a sort of sexual Olympics instead of war, well… there’d probably be a lot more border disputes, if we’re honest. But I don’t know if that would be bad? There’s not a lot of things worse than war so, I guess we should get on that. Americans… well, some Americans could definitely stand to care less about what consenting people do with each other. I suppose jumping straight to sex Olympics is hoping for too much, though.
The September vote incentive is up! Let’s call it the November vote incentive and just say I’ve still got two I.O.U’s, eh?
Well, Dabbler is doing her Dabbler things, and the Patreon version has a nude variant and a comic that… I don’t know, expounds on the goings on of the initial picture?
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
It’s like they say. ADHD is having high Int, high Wis, but permanent maluses and terrible luck on the dice. Adderall is probably the equivalent of removing the maluses, perhaps giving you a +1 to memory checks, and then kissing your dice or turning them to the right direction or whatever mythology your local player group has regarding dice luck. Using a dice that hasn’t “spent its nat 20s” yet?
a die*
… see what I meant about permanent maluses?
The one from my heritage is “Loki’s an a- …jerk.”
Say that as many times as you get bad rolls, since he’s Norse god of dice and gambling …among many other things.
Also I find seriously thinking about punching him helps for some reason.
I seriously envision thinking of myself as a trickster god, because that makes life better and full of whimsy and no one can stop me. So at this point I don’t think I can just… blame it on my senpai.
I think Brelx just needs to be throw through the portal as fast and hard as possible… Or at least have his mama show up to change his diaper and send him to bed. Yes I’m calling him a man-child ;) A cat fight is never fun, even if they tear off their clothes etc… Women are more cruel than men in a fight and often inflict far more damage to each other.
“A cat fight is never fun, even if they tear off their clothes etc… ”
1) Might be fun for demons and succubi. :)
2) now this is not me speaking for myself …. The Stripes movie (John Candy, Bill Murray, Harold Ramos) mud wrestling scene.
The last cat fight broke out I was unlucky to see required an ambulance and a few bad scratches on my arms… The one girl almost lost an eye and the other needed stitches on the scalp and chest. Yeah, no, not good. You have to remember where I grew up, no fights were “good” ones.
In my experience, a fight can be fun if there are rules and the different participants don’t want to permanently damage each other.
I’ve won, lost and observed several fun fights and never had to visit a hospital for any of them.
The problem is that these prerequisite aren’t met in many real world fights and certainly not cat fights.
Yes, this is a luxury/privilege I grew up with, but these appear to be upper class demons(heir of a yoga pants empire and daughter of a succubi matriarch) they can act from a position of luxury.
I don’t know the specific rules around succ offs, but if a society can build on it they’re probably more heavily regulated than what Aster let on.
Clearly, that cat fight required either demons to be involved or John Candy in order to make it more entertaining.
As I understand it, adderrall doesn’t increase your focus, it just shows your brain down so that you can keep track of your many unfocused thoughts, and pick out the ones specially related to your current task. So I don’t think it would actually help her much in this situation.
That is not my experience (as a person with ADHD who takes adderall). I get hyper-focus, but I have to be very careful as to *what* I’m focusing on.
Yes, Adderall doesn’t slow your brain down. It’s a stimulant.
Yes, but stimulants can work backwards with some ADHD havers. It’s not a surefire thing, but it’s common enough. “Slows your brain down” is really a “ELI5” way to put it but it’s repeated everywhere and we can’t just explain anomalous dopamine and reward deficiency syndrome and so many different things that add up to a very complex disorder. “Stimulants don’t send you into overdrive the way they do other people” is a fine enough approximation
Double on some meds working backwards. Took Ritalin once and only once, was barely able to function from lack of focus. My brother took it and helped with his ADD.
When I took Adderrall, I didn’t get the slow down personally. I did, however, seem to have a brain that worked together which was absurdly nice.
How I always explained it, and felt right when doing so despite the fact that I’m not really a gear-head(heh), was that imagine your brain, for whatever reason, has multiple gearboxes(or shafts or whatever the concepts called…). Without meds, my brain is running in a mix-match of gears, usually topping out on say one or two at gear 4, while others are at 1, 2, and 3.
With meds? Everything’s running at 4, or sometimes 5. I may be zooming more but focus is sooooo much simpler to maintain.
ADHD medications increase norepinephrine across your entire brain. The “slow-down” is the result of your inhibitory centers kicking online in your frontal lobes. Without that, it just amps you up.
I was one of the first kids to get it in the area, all it did to me was make me sleepy… go figure.
Sounds familiar. It was weird to have excellent focus.
I was put on a number of ADD-addressing drugs during my youth, including ritalin and later adderall, but consistently my experience was “Yeah, I can focus – but I end up getting distracted by the tree leaves rustling hypnotically outside for half an hour, or end up daydreaming constantly; I have zero control on what I actually end up focussing on.” Ended up getting super jaded because they didn’t really help me with my schoolwork. Meanwhile I knew that there were things I could focus on super easily without the drugs; namely reading, video games, television. Entertainment.
I ended up taking more and more days where I didn’t take the pills, starting with a day a week here, two days, then in sequence, three days, until it became rarer to take the medicine than not, all while teaching myself how to focus on things that mattered that weren’t directly entertaining me. The end result was that I ended up resenting my parents for not putting in the effort to teach me how to focus themselves before just going to medication as the answer to fix me, while I basically had to put in all the effort on my lonesome to learn an essential life skill — wouldn’t end up being the first time I had to learn some essential life skill on my own efforts, either; my family, instructors, and peers have consistently been remarkably unhelpful when it comes down to deciphering anything about wading through society and life.
Turns out most people are unqualified for the roles they fill in life. None of us were handed an instruction booklet, we were all just trained by a long chain of unqualified people.
Don’t need ADHD to get that reverse effect, but I guess not being neurotypical makes it a lot more likely. I’ve got Asperger’s, and can sleep like a baby after downing a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew. But opiates give me insomnia…
Obviously Halo thought it would be her vs Brelx. He’s smarter than he looks, avoiding that.
I’m one of the people for whom Adderal can remove the stress from being understimulated and reveal the real fatigue layer underneath the default hyperness. When that happens, it effectively makes me sleepy, and given the opportunity I will generally take a nap then.
People who have ADHD can react very counter intuitively to some things, especially stimulants.
No joke
Adderall is a mix of four different types of amphetamines (or enantiomers of them). They’re taken at much lower dosages than the typical recreational doses, but it’s still an amphetamine. Making it a Schedule II controlled substance. That’s why you can’t get refills on your prescriptions for it in the US, and have to bug your doctor every month to send in a new one.
That said, people with ADHD can have weird reactions to stimulants in general, myself included. Too much caffeine knocks me out, and having too high a dose on my ADHD medication legitimately left me feeling lethargic and slightly depressed. Not the normal reaction to an amphetamine.
A common misunderstanding. ADHD at its root is a processing issue. The brain doesn’t properly organize which things are most important to process first, tries to process them all at once, glitches on the attempt, and appears from the outside to be hyperactive when it’s just switching between signals too rapidly to be able to properly use any of them. Hyperfocus is a common coping tactic because it narrows down the number of accepted signals to a bare minimum. Stimulants, on the other hand, speed up the entire processing speed of the brain temporarily, allowing it to seem more “normal” simply because it is able to rapidly process a greater percentage of the overwhelming signals in a shorter timeframe. Adderal, and to a lesser extent, caffeine, can help with this, though individual experiences may vary. Especially since ADHD rarely travels alone.
Source: I have ADHD, and have done a little research in order to better understand the condition.
At 52 I began to realize I have ADHD. One of the “symptoms” of undiagnosed ADHD is, “How is your relationship with caffeine?” Something I had always said had -no effect- on me but I drank almost 2 pots of coffee a day with the last cup being shortly before I fell asleep. My “no effect” was actually, “I don’t get hyper like other people describe”. Without it I’m actually kind of worthless, you know aside from the migraine I’ll end up with if I go cold turkey. I once weened myself off coffee and it was terrible. Maybe once I have an official diagnosis and possibly some minor stimulant med to help I can lower my caffeine intake.
…and yes, I have experienced the rapid switching of processing. My partner has watched me literally spin in circles as my brain rapidly tries to prioritize tasks that all seem equally important, you know, like “take dirty plate to kitchen, switch laundry before you forget it, make more coffee, find out where you left the half empty coffee cup because you set it down where you would see it and remember it…. ” I would start in a direction, stop, turn around, start in another direction, stop, and stand there glancing in multiple directions while scratching a hole in my arm.
Up to 3 IOU’s now?
Re: The caption at the bottom.
There’s a bar crawl game where you hold a ruler (or something similar) between your knees and try to pass it to another person, who also has to grab it with their knees. One of those things you are only likely to do drunk, but being drunk makes is so much harder. But that’s exactly what I envisioned when I read the caption.
Yeah, that’s not where they’d be holding it
Sydney: *Suddenly starts ragdolling Brelx* Oh, sorry, I thought it was a Succ Off between us, because I KNOW you didn’t just try to jump the gun on me.
During this version of succ off,ARChon shows up…!
Sydney: “Well sir, uh… we were going to the bingo parlor at the… uh… YMCA? Well… one thing led to another and the instructions got all fouled up there and… well… heh… we ended up ….” (Carnage behind them during the excuse)
Honestly, I was looking forward to some Sydney action. Feels like it’s been a while since she’s gotten a fight. Also, I’m not really as enamored by the Parfait character as the comic seems to be.
“Also, I’m not really as enamored by the Parfait character as the comic seems to be.”
Agreed on this. At this point, I’m beginning to suspect the point of the comic is almost Tolkein-esque, in that the author came up with this complex, “interesting” fantasy world for succubi, then needed a story to put it in.
Considering that the author created Dabbler prior to the comic, and that the original core cast was supposed to be Maxima, Dabbler, and Jabberwocky, your suspicions probably aren’t far off the mark. According to the About page, he wanted to draw a comic, but could never stick with it, and thus the idea was that maybe he could maintain interest if the characters were mostly hot women.
This is, at its core, fetish work. Most superhero fiction is, either in the limited, modern understanding of the word that refers to sexual gratification, or the broader, abstract sense, in that the work deliberately draws from tropes that the audience recognizes, expects, and deliberately seeks out, and requires no justification other than that they are common to the genre.
I’ve long been in favor of international disputes being solved by a 5-on-5 paintball battle involving the top leadership of the nations involved.
“Being good at paintballing” is a better critera for leadership than most Americans use nowadays.
Frankly, I think I’d favor world leaders resolving disputes via original Goldeneye on the N64, slaps only.
This is my time to enter politics then!
I will vote for any candidate who challenges their opponent to a dance off, regardless the result of said dance off.
Given the general age of most of our politicians it would inevitably become breakdancing. “Break a hip, guys!”
I’m not hearing a downside.
They made a movie with this as the plot: Futuresport.
I honestly sort of like Aster. I wouldn’t mind him being a reoccurring character, honestly. He’s weirdly chill.
Syd: H-hey! That was acknowledgement, not permission!!
*Emperor Skroob, Dark Helmet, and Colonel Sanders appear in cheerleader outfits*
*Captain America appears*
I understood that reference!
*Cap disappears again*
Syd: My meds have DEFINITELY worn off…
Ok, that’s terrible, but it also made me acutally laugh out loud :D
What do you mean, that was perfect. That’s what happens in my brain before the caffeine kicks in.
Ok, I can imagine a full on run being difficult no matter how the batton is carried but how would the handoff work. Is there a disinfectant phase? I suppose magical solutions are a given in succubus society but I do agree that must be something to watch.
Okay, looks like all three girls weren’t ready for this
Lulu might be, if Brelix set something up with her beforehand. It certainly seems like a prearranged signal… or not let’s see!
‘Some Americans could definitely stand to care less about what consenting people do with eachother’, says man proposing sex olympics to resolve border disputes.
There’s some major irony there, especially considering that in the current comic, Lulu isn’t consenting to anything because she’s magically compelled to obey Brelx.
Last I checked, neither compulsion nor threats of annexation in any way qualify as consent.
As an American, I’ve said for years that the presidential race should come down to a knife fight. We the people are still going to get raked over the coals, but at least it’d be entertaining.
As a bonus, there’s a chance they could both lose.
(Speaking of which, I’ve always advocated that ballots should have a “None of the Above” option, and if that option wins, they have to try again with new candidates.)
You got that idea from Brewster’s Millions, admit it. :)
IIRC, a town/county(?) in Colorado had just that option on the ballot some time ago. And I think the option won!
And if certain people do it right, it reduces the population of village idiots.
In this situation, the “consent” was the original willing entry into a submissive role. There was probably a signed contract and everything.
In a long-term real world dom/sub arrangement the consent is given at the beginning, not before each and every individual act. Unintuitively, the sub is actually the one in control (original consent + safe word), and must willingly surrender control to the dom. The dom looks to be in control to an outside observer, but must immediately obey the sub if the safe word is used and must relinquish control if consent is revoked.
I don’t know if succubi have safe words in this universe, but they *do* get significant benefits from obeying, and part of the arrangement is being trained in the ability to resist / disobey.
I think it’s been made pretty clear that lots of people are pretty fuzzy on what consent means.
Case in point: what happened between SmugD and Sci-fright
I now want to see the succ-off with oil wrastling
if we could keep the East Germans off the judges panel, I’d go for pole dancing. yes I’m old. deal with it.
I noticed you said “wrastling” instead of “wrestling”. there is a difference! ;-)
Adderall merely grants advantage.
I really, REALLY hope that the January Vote Incentive on Patreon will be based on this contest.
Really, I do!
We have to get past the September vote incentive first,hopefully soon (Hint Hint).
Heh. If we do a GURPS system, ADHD would simply be a negative trait you can take for extra bonus points which you can send elsewhere. The particular caveat of the negative trait is that it is a permanent negative penalty that can be temporarily waived with meds.
As for my two cents on ADHD: there are a couple of simple facts people should realize, which would make understanding the “paradoxes” and “non-neurotypical due to reverse effect” make more sense:
1. the human body (and biology/evolution in general), and especially the brain, is super complex. Evolution is such that whatever works ends up getting used; this tends to mean that there is no necessarily clear one function assigned to any particular molecule/signal/hormone. In fact, depending on which part of the body it is in, it could have vastly different functions! A very good example of this is histamine: this is used to mediate allergic/immune reactions, acid production in the stomach, wakefulness in the brain, itch perception, vasodilation/blood pressure decreases, erection maintenance, etc, etc.
2. Given that a single molecule can have vastly disparate and different effects, using a broad class (eg “stimulants”) can often be woefully inadequate and lead to confusion and conflation given rise to statement such as “Too much caffeine knocks me out, and having too high a dose on my ADHD medication [Adderall] legitimately left me feeling lethargic and slightly depressed”[Nixeu] or “Adderal, and to a lesser extent, caffeine, can help with this” [Chief of Staves]; (FYI: caffeine has similar molecular structure as adenosine and is an adenosine analog. Depending on how it binds on a particular receptor, it can act as either antagonist or agonist leading to disparate effects on the heart and brain such as a competitive antagonist to promote wakefulness in the brain or agonist for heart contractility, or as BOTH vasodilator and vasoconstrictor depending on dosing or timing or location…
TL;DR: as a doc who regularly prescribes amphetamines for ADHD pts, I recommend you not worry too much about “how it should work” and just focus on “is it working? If not, let your doc know so he can make the appropriate dose adjustments”; If you’re truly driven and interested in the basic biochemistry and pathophysiology behind it, help us all out and participate in the research and science!
Outside of cost changing randomly and tolerance levels being varied over time… Spot on.
Firsthand knowledge… At least my ADHD has become manageable.
I phrased that very carefully above, mind. I said “can,” not “will” on purpose and immediately followed with a comment about how ADHD rarely travels alone, so individual experiences will vary. And by not traveling alone, I mean that ADHD is often though not always identified along with a number of other conditions.
As a personal example, while I have ADHD, I have to limit my stimulant intake because it makes my Tourette’s harder to manage.
I assume that whatever the result is, it’ll be declared invalid because Tom hasn’t agreed to jack squat, and it’s him, not Sydney, that has to.
… There is a reason Neck-less is doing it this way: he knows Tommy will pull his (Neck-less’) head out of his (again, Neck’less’) arse-cavity (via the internal route) if Tommy found out before Parf’s decision could get reversed (also, he probably has heard how Tommy is banned from the US and believes that will stop him showing up anyway)
Hi Dave! I see you’re experimenting with blender for the hands on the cups there.
I’ve also been learning blender and it’s a lot, my one advice is to remember blender and 3d models are used for lots of different things, and what is important for one of those things may not be important for another. I’m using blender to make 3D models for 3D printing, which has very different needs than an animated character in a video game. The tutorials you find may not be clear about what use they are geared towards, and so, they may insist somethings important when it doesn’t matter for your use.
Anyways, best of luck!
You’re not letting this pun go are you?
I would expect nothing less from a man of class and culture like Dave.
No, Syd, the answer is not “Only if you win some kind of contest you’ve only just told me about whose rules I’m unfamiliar with.” That’s the very definition of a sucker bet. You’ll wind up playing Fizzbin or Calvinball, against people who know you can’t tell if they’re cheating or making things up.
And besides what motivates you to participate? They’re gambling for something they can win from you, but what the heck can you possibly win from them? It isn’t even gambling if you’re the only one who stands to lose.
The answer is “No.”
Simple solution here. Beat him up with light tentacle while shielding her and tell him to say she forfeits. WIN! WIN WIN. XD
Well, he’s certainly suspiciously eager…
Yes, maybe she really needs it